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原始主义是什么?。What Is Primitivism?

劳伦斯的小说贯穿着原始主义的追求。The pursuit of primitivism can be seen throughout D.

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本文运用原始主义批评方法对沈从文小说加以解读。In the paper the author applies the critic method of primitivism to appreciate Shen Congwen's novels.

原始主义文学的主要特征是以原始批判现代文明。Criticizing the modem civilization with primitiveness is the main feature of the primitivism literature.

原始主义文学的主要特征是以原始批判现代文明。Criticizing the modern civilization with primitiveness is the main feature of the primitivism literature.

然而,他相信先进的科学技术,他提出向法西斯原始主义转变。Whereas Lovelock puts his faith in advanced technology, Linkola proposes a turn to fascistic primitivism.

原始主义在绘画与音乐间存在的意义和共有的特色值得瞭解与深究。It is beneficial to understand and study the meaning and dualism of Primitivism in both painting and music.

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这或许是原始主义中的“仪式性”和“狂欢性”交织的结果。That may be the result of the interweaving of the ritual-orientation and carnival-orientation in primitivism.

诗意的思维隐藏着一种原始的倾向,对这种观点大加赞赏。,and,Richards,seems,cheerfully,to,embrace,this,idea。,他所说的“虚构“和“伪陈述“,其实也就是这个意思There is some kind of latent primitivism in poetic thinking, Richards That's what he means by "fiction" or "pseudo-statement."

通过对沈从文的创作倾向的分析,本文认为,沈从文的创作既有原始主义倾向,又具有反原始主义倾向。By analyzing his writing tendency, the author points out that not only primitivism but also anti-primitivism are included in Shen Cong-wens works.

行走、看山看水,或者仅仅享受生活的简单和自然,都能让你最终到达你会真正爱上的目的地。He says walking, looking for water, and just experiencing the simplicity and primitivism of life can lead you to a destination you end up truly loving.

把大块的纸张撕扯、分裂、剪裁和拼合,用来覆盖身体,并用粗大的画笔和浓黑的墨水在上面书写,当中蕴含著浓重的尚古主义的味道。There's a great deal of primitivism in the large pieces of paper torn, ripped, cut and assembled, covering the bodies, writing with big brushes and bold black ink.