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后来,这位小和尚成了师傅的衣钵传人。The little bonzer became the master's inheritor later.

他变成了文明储备资本的继承人。He becomes an inheritor of the funded capital of civilization.

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每一位继任者几乎都无可避免的都会被视为香帅的接班人。Each has been viewed inevitably as an inheritor of the Shankly tradition.

律师必须公布你就是真正的遗产继承人。The lawyer must announce that you are the true inheritor of the family fortune.

改革开放使当代青年的思想更加活跃,他们不再仅仅是文化的传承者,也是文化的创造者。They are not only the inheritor and passer but also the creator of the culture.

在这其中,我将着重描述这一时段的社会环境以及绣球传承人的行为活动。The author will focus on the social environment and the behavior of inheritor at that time.

他是一位令人羡慕的富商和家族企业的继承人。He was a successful businessman and future inheritor to the family firm's substantial wealth.

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导师是先知外貌体态的真实继承人,也是他灵性的继承人。He was a true inheritor of the physical appearance of the Prophet and his spiritual inheritor.

昔人都把张问陶看作袁枚的信徒,是性灵派的后期传人。Zhang Wentao, inheritor of the Xinling School of its late period, is regarded as one of Yuan Mei's followers.

他们承认女王是他们的君主,因为她是中世纪诺曼底公国的继承人。They recognize the Queen as their Sovereigns because she is the inheritor of the medieval Dukedom of Normandy.

张艺谋作为继承其衣钵的优秀学生,其电影创作存在有意识地迎合西方文化霸权的倾向。As an excellent inheritor of her thoughts, Zhang Yimou's movies indicate the trend to cater for western culture.

放弃继承权,必须由适当的主体在必要的期限内以适当的方式行使,才能产生限定继承的法律效力。To abandon the heirdom, the inheritor should do it within a certain period, only which can have judicial effect.

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经过洗礼后,我成为一个基督教徒,上帝的儿女,而且是天国的一个继承者。In my baptism, wherein I was made a member of Christ, the child of God, and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven.

莫言是中国传统美学和西方现代写作技巧的感性传承人。Moyan is the perceptual inheritor of not only Chinese traditional Aesthetics but also western modern writing skills.

没有继承人又无人受遗赠的,由作品原件的所有人行使。In the absence of any inheritor of bequeathed, the said right may be exercised by the lawful holder of the original work.

近年来,由于“女书”传承后继乏人,这一笔宝贵的文化遗产已处于濒危阶段。For recent years, because there is fewer and fewer inheritor for Women's script, this cultural legacy is in immediate danger.

传承人作为民间文学的重要承载者和传递者,成为民间文学遗产保护工作的重中之重。The Inheritor is the most important object to be protected in folk literature heritage as an important carrier and transmitters.

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传承人是传统武术传承过程中的关键环节。The inheritor is the key of traditional Wushu heritage, and to protect the inheritor is an important means to protect traditional Wushu.

抑或也是因为商业帝国注定有败落的一天,而继承人能感觉到,自己将无力续写父辈创下的辉煌。or perhaps the business was always destined to fade, and the inheritor can sense that they will be unable to match their parent's glories.

阿訇作为伊斯兰教中的宗教精英,是伊斯兰教的继承者、传播者和发扬者,是伊斯兰教义、教法的阐释者和捍卫者。As the elite, Akhund is not only the inheritor and disseminator of Islam, but also the elucidator and defender of Sharia and Islam religious doctrine.