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照我的指示去做。Do as I command.

我经常都打嗝。I can burp on command.

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打开命令提示符。Open a Command Prompt.

我们等待你的口令。We await your command.

但是我们不能命令席德。We couldn't command Sid.

作者本身没有话语权。You were not in command.

为什么要使用命令行?Why use the command line?

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他不能委派代表来指挥。He can't delegate command.

跑?多谢?命令。Run the ?regedit? command.

谨遵命令。请问要多少人?As you command. How many men?

是否有个命令来打印?Is there a command to printf?

一条命令可以控制所有事件。One command to rule them all.

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三军指挥机构已加以充实。Navy command to enrich already.

命令简直太长了!The command is annoyingly long!

处理命令行文件。Command line file manipulations.

我需求来唯一预约。I command to do an appointment?.

亦非苏丹或法老居高司号令。Sultan or Chief in high command.

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通过命令行禁用UACDisable UAC from the Command Line

在这输入命令。LS So I just type the command LS.

居鲁士就这样宣布了这个命令。Cyrusthen proclaimed this command.