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不要找任何借口拖延。Don’t brook any delays.

那田中有一条小溪穿过。A brook cuts that field.

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他常在这条小河边钓鱼。He often cast this brook.

他常在这小河边垂钓。He has often cast this brook.

我不能容忍他的傲慢。I cannot brook his arrogance.

我决不容许任何干涉行径。I will brook no interference.

他不容许别人打岔。He would brook no interruptions.

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这条小河沟几乎干涸了。The small brook nearly dried up.

于是我们过了撒烈溪。And we went over the brook Zered.

小河的水泛滥起来。The brook was deluged with water.

结冻的溪流形成了一个好的光滑面。A frozen brook makes a good slide.

杨柳环绕的小溪转动着磨房。A willowy brook that turns a mill.

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溪水似银铃般潺潺流动。The brook tinkled like silver bells.

马溅泼着越过小溪。The horse splashed across the brook.

如淙淙溪流般欢笑!To laugh like a brook when it trips.

他一个纵步跳过了小河。He crossed the brook in one big jump.

溪潺潺流过多石的河床。The brook warbled over its rocky bed.

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小溪潺潺流过多石的河床。The brook warbled over its rocky bed.

那条小溪蜿蜒流过山谷。The brook meanders through the valley.

小溪在峡谷间潺潺流过去。The brook trickled through the valley.