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PEA并不意味著机械静止。PEA does not mean mechanical quiescence.

亚欧带仍保持平静。The Eurasian seismic belt still remained in quiescence.

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皮纳图博火山在经历了450多年的沉寂后于1991年苏醒。Pinatubo awoke in 1991 after more than 450 years of quiescence.

每一个毛囊都经历活动和休眠交替的阶段。Each hair follicle undergoes intermittent stages of activity and quiescence.

事实上与斋月同时发生的麻烦在某种程度上确实是一种诱因。The fact that the trouble coincided with Ramadan might—or might not—be a factor in this quiescence.

同源基因之间的相对距离在增殖期明显大于静止期。The relative distance between the homologous genes was greater at proliferation phase than at quiescence phase.

如果埃德加·林惇遇见我,我将毫不犹豫地一拳打倒他,在我待在那儿的时候保证给他足够的时间休息。If Edgar Linton meets me, I shall not hesitate to knock him down, and give him enough to insure his quiescence while I stay.

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所用的预测方法是倍周期性、静中动判据和地球物理灾害链。The predicting methods used are multiplied periodicity, criterion of activity in quiescence and the geophysical disaster chain.

沉睡者必须承受冥寂与质疑的诅咒,若他们目击了破则法术或是难以置信的魔法时,便有可能增加矛盾发生的概率。Sleepers suffer from the Quiescence and Disbelief, and worsen the chances of a Paradox if they witness vulgar or improbable magic.

因此,他固有的状态,是心中没有私欲的状态,或如周敦颐说的“静虚”状态。Therefore his innate state is one in which he has no selfish desires in his mind, or as Chou expresses it, one of vacuity in quiescence.

我们认为我们已解决了问题,但它还是不断地出现。是经过了一段时期的沉寂后重又活跃起来。We thought we HAD disposed of the problem, but it kept recurring. To recrudesce is to come into renewed activity after a period of quiescence.

以企业营销人员作为研究对象,说明了其静止状态的特徵,以及可能刺激这种状态的因素。The sales-force of enterprise was taken as an example to illustrate the characteristic of the quiescence and the potential influencing factors.

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从此以后他再也没有忽略这一礼节,每次我都严肃庄重,默默无言地忍受着,在他看来似乎又为这吻增加了魅力。He never omitted the ceremony afterwards, and the gravity and quiescence with which I underwent it, seemed to invest it for him with a certain charm.

这意味着我们不会完全忽略较深层次的将死下法。如果静止搜索仔细考虑非常狭窄,但是危险的下法路线,就可以发现它们。This means that I can catch slightly deeper checkmates if they are forced because the quiescence search considers extremely narrow, but dangerous lines.

地震活跃期与最新断块活跃期相吻合,而地震平静期与末次断块稳定期相吻合。The active period of earthquakes accords to the most recent active tectonic stage, while the time of seismic quiescence consists with the last stable tectonic stage.

给出了门控时钟休眠状态的控制方法和相应的电路图,以及有限状态机的低功耗设计方法。The method of controlling gated-clock quiescence state is discussed, and relevant circuit is presented. A low-power design method for finite-state machines is presented.

不论是哪一种情况,他都是受“第二私念”即转念所驱使,因而丧失了固有的静虚状态以及随之而有的动直状态。In either case, he is motivated by secondary selfish thoughts and thereby loses both his original state of vacuity in quiescence and the corollary state of straightforwardness in movement.

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此外,我们还展示新喷发的火山气样本中的金属富集高于其静止期释放的火山气样本好几个数量级。Furthermore, we show that gases sampled immediately after the eruption have metal concentrations that are orders of magnitude higher than those of gases emitted during periods of quiescence.

一些民意测验表明保守党落后于工党十个百分点,面对工党领导人戈登布朗的总体规划保守党人显得不堪一击,该规划旨在把他们从如画的沉寂推向彻底毁灭。Ten-odd points behind Labour in some polls, the Tories look ominously vulnerable to Gordon Brown's master-plan --- which is to push them from picturesque quiescence towards total destruction.

昆仑山口西8.1地震前明显地出现大区域地震活动平静、高b值、高调制、低熵值的异常配套现象。Before west to Kunlun Mountain Pass MS8.1 earthquake, the anomaly coupling phenomena of seismicity quiescence in large area, high b value, high modulation and low entropy value appeared obviously.