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这是撒旦对耶稣的诱惑的顶峰。This is the Satan to Jesus's enticement crest.

诱惑与理性并存,可是,人毕竟是自私的。Enticement and rational coexisting, but the human is selfish.

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今天,他对你的诱惑也跟以前的如出一辙。Today, he to your enticement also with beforehand being exactly the same.

在贩毒案件的侦查工作中妥善运用诱惑侦查手段,不但必要,而且合法。Using enticement investigation in drug-related cases is not only essential but also legal.

而实际上,州政府根本就不应该把这样的诱惑摆在这些妇女眼前。That's an enticement the federal government shouldn't allow states to dangle before these women.

而谁能拒绝被爱与被宠的诱惑呢?真人CS可以延年益寿。But who can refuse to love with the enticement which favors? honorable person CS may prolong the life.

记忆的河流中,我是一条逶迤游动的鱼,用绝色的柔美呼唤亘古的诱惑……In the river of memories, I am a meandering fish summoning for ancient enticement with peerless beauty.

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诱惑侦查是被实践证明为破获此类高难度案件的有效措施之一。The enticement detection has proved to be one of the effective measures that uncover the difficult cases.

路途的曲折在折磨着我,死亡的呼唤在束缚着我,金钱的诱惑在改变着我。The journey winding is suffering me, the death summon is fettering me, the money enticement is changing me.

交通繁忙的街道诚然对孩童不利,但是那些吸引他们走邪恶道路的诱惑,则是更危险。Busy streets are hazardous for our children, but the enticement of taking an evil path is far more dangerous.

这个诱惑里面的诡计就是有权被拜的人就有权被遵从。Inside this enticement clever trick is authorized the human who does obeisance to be authorized to comply with.

即使你尚未沉溺于网络或其他任何科技,你或许也正在努力抵抗它的诱惑。Even if you are not addicted to the Internet or any other technology, you may be struggling with its enticement.

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诱惑侦查可分为机会提供型诱惑侦查与犯意诱发型诱惑侦查。The enticement detection may divide into the opportunity to be provided one and the criminal intent inducing one.

诱惑侦查可以分为机会提供型诱惑侦查和犯意诱发型诱惑侦查。In practice the enticement detection may divide into the detection of providing opportunities and the detection of entice to crime.

进场的狗狗在食物的诱惑下,开始表演摇爪子、晃脑袋等可爱的小动作。Once inside, pockets of treats proved a handy enticement to displaying tricks of the paw-waving and head- tilted-appealingly variety.

此外,对于被决定论折磨得很苦的我们,摆脱定义的束缚也是一种诱惑。In addition, regarding is suffered very much by determinism bitter we, gets rid of the definition the fetter is also one kind of enticement.

只有中国能够发起一项国际合作进程,因为它能够抛出让人民币升值这根胡萝卜。Only China is in a position to initiate a process of international cooperation because it can offer the enticement of renminbi appreciation.

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严禁刑讯逼供或者采用威胁、引诱、欺骗等非法手段收集证据。Extorting confessions by torture or collecting evidence by such illegal means as intimidation, enticement or deception is strictly prohibited.

一个月没有更新,十月过去一半了。发生了好多事情,也有好多将要发生。压力,诱惑,请不要把我打倒。One month no update, half of this October passed. Many things happened, and many gonna happen. Pressure, enticement , please don't knock me down.

因此,毒品犯罪案件采用诱惑侦查是比较常见,实践证明也的确行之有效的侦查手段。Therefore, the drug-related crime cases using the enticement detection is quite common, it is also proves to be indeed effective detection methods.