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这里的鹿群并不大。The herd is not big.

他使他的牛与良种牛交配。He graded up his herd.

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鹿群也在哀哀啼哭。A herd of deer were wailing.

不过是兽群中的一堆大粪罢了。Nothing but a turd in the herd.

到1930年,野牛群的数量增加了。By 1930, herd numbers increased.

这只狗的工作是把羊群赶到一起。This dog's job is-to herd sheep.

你放养的牧人,因为它是。You herd the herder, as it were.

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为什么牛在天上飞?因为你在地上吹!Because a herd of cattle are flying.

你怎么让她和我们一起工作?How do you herd her with us working?

一群水牛是遗产的一部分。A herd of buffaloes was a part of it.

食肉动物对牧群是个威胁。Predatorsx were a threat to the herd.

你不应和他那样的人来往。You should not herd with the man as him.

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别像小绵羊那样,随波逐流。Don't be like a sheep, following the herd.

我猜是一群马和一只老虎。I think it's a herd of horses and a tiger.

我们的互作用形成奇怪的新牧群。Our interaction forms the strange new herd.

本次访谈的制作人是萨利.赫德。This interview was conducted by Sally Herd.

你的牛以倍数增加,经济不断成长。Your herd multiplies and the economy grows.

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我看见一群鹿在草原上吃草。I saw a herd of deers grazing in the prairie.

斯特凡诺骑一辆摩托车放羊。Stefano used a motor cycle to herd the sheep.

我们必须把病马从马群中剔除。We must cut out the sick horses from the herd.