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什么原因导致局灶性癫痫发作?What Causes Seizure in Focal Epilepsy?

雅典卫城的缩写,是一种民主的象征。The Acropolis is the focal point of Athens.

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勿要把女人作为你的生活焦点。Don't make women the focal point of your life.

采用布龙模式计算震源参数。Using Brown mode to calculate focal parameters.

肉芽肿是较局限化的。Grossly, a granuloma tends to be a focal lesion.

这些产业带又应如何进行重点建设?。How to build these Industrial Belts as focal point?

万寿山是颐和园的视觉中心。Longevity Hill is the focal point of the Summer Palace.

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伊拉克很可能是布什所遗留下的一个焦点。Iraq is likely to be the focal point of the Bush legacy.

爬行动物皮革十分抢眼,可以让你成为抢镜焦点。Reptile skin is eye-catching and makes a fine focal point.

联邦储备系统是美国国内资金转移的汇集点。The Fed is the focal point for domestic US funds movement.

至于局灶性印戒细胞,我认为是冰冻假象。About the focal signet ring cells, I favor frozen artifact.

它应该是中心,联络点或者活跃在边缘地带?Should it be the central, focal point or live at the edges?

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所有患者PET扫瞄表现出局部高代谢。All patients demonstrated focal hypermetabolism on PET scan.

我们就是抛物线,你是焦点,我是准线。We just parabola, you is the focal point and I am alignment.

第四章是本文的落脚点,也是重点。Chapter four is the end-result and focal point of this thesis.

现在让我们来看看新系列着力刻画的四个公会。Now for the guilds that are the focal point of this first set.

这本书里画杠杠的地方是这次考试的重点。The places marked in this book are focal points for this exam.

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右上方可见生精小管的灶状萎缩。There is focal atrophy of tubules seen here to the upper right.

苷类是天然药物代谢的研究重点。Glycosides are research focal point of natural drugs'metabolism.

学科建设是医院技术建设的着眼点。The subject build is a focal point of hospital technology build.