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你是同性恋,如假包换!You are a gay. The gayest.

这世界上最放荡风流的人。The gayest person in the world.

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我的老天,这是一对恋人!This is the gayest scene I've ever seen.

就没人觉得这届艾美奖是史上最基情四射的一届吗?Did anybody notice this year's Emmy's was the gayest award show ever?

不过瑞德在新奥尔良带她去的地方,是她从未见过的繁华地区。But the New Orleans Rhett showed her was the gayest place she had ever seen.

她还是位艺术学者,在片厂里面有着最华丽最有创意的化妆间。Emma is in favor of tennis and race. she is also an artist who has an most gayest and creationary dressing room in the studio.

专家们提出,性爱是人类最古老但又最快乐的运动,它对我们生理健康产生的作用是巨大的。Experts put forward, sexual love is the mankind the oldest but the gayest movement, the effect that it produces to our physiology health is tremendous.

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如果你想写一些关于这个城市的东西,别忘说她是日本最有活力的城市,尽管城里还有许多人在忍受着病痛,烧伤的折磨。If you write about this city, do not forget to say that it is the gayest city in Japan, even it many of the town's people still bear hidden wounds, and burns.

我希望妇女不要成为会走路的摆设,不要向她们的父亲和兄弟索讨最时髦、最华丽的新帽子,而要向他索要她们的权利。I wish that women, instead of being walking show-cases, instead of begging of their fathers and brothers the latest and gayest new bonnet, would ask of them their rights.

如果你面前有一大堆布娃娃,有人鼓动你去剥掉它们的衣服给自己用,你会选择那最高贵最漂亮的剥,是吧?If you were shown a great heap of dolls, and were set upon them to pluck them to pieces and despoil them for your own advantage, you would pick out the richest and gayest. Say!

努力工作会让你的自己感觉更好,而且长时间辛勤工作后,你就会觉得有足够的理由让自己最欢快地放纵一把。Working hard makes you feel better about yourself and, after a prolonged period of hard slog, you feel sufficiently virtuous to enjoy a bout of self-indulgence with the gayest abandon.

宋代元宵节以张灯宴游、百戏巡演、天子同乐等为主要节俗活动,是官定的最热闹节日之一。Lantern festivals during the Song Dynasty featured colorful lanterns, feasts, drama, parades and the rulers sharing pleasures with the people and were one of the gayest official festivals.