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你喜欢奶油软糖吗?Do you like fudge?

我找到数组中的第i个元素。Oh fudge knuckle. OK.

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胡说八道了对不对?Double fudge knuckle. All right?

理想气体的体积。And the fudge factor is called z.

还有千万不要吝啬对热软糖的幻想。And don’t skimp on the fantasy hot fudge.

你最后一次是什么时候说谎或捏造事实?When did you last lie or fudge the truth?

福吉只觉得好困,好想睡觉。Fudge only feel very sleepy, want to sleep.

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如果你不知道答案,就瞎扯一下。If you don't know the answer, just fudge it.

或者像我的小儿子会说的一样,胡说八道。Or as my younger son would say, fudge knuckle.

“没有什么飓风,”福吉痛苦的说。"That was no hurricane, " said Fudge miserably.

琳达.罗迪斯在糕饼义卖会中买下软糖。Linda Rhoades bought the fudge during a bake sale.

因此,有些学校允许“忽悠”统计数字。So some schools are allowed to "fudge" the numbers.

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“他们曾经是,”福吉疲倦地说,“但现在不再是了。"They did, " said Fudge wearily . "But not anymore.

本杰里给我的巧克力软糖布朗尼任何一天。Give me Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie any day.

好的,我看见一个荷兰蛋糕,还浇着肉桂酱汁呢!Okay, I see a Dutch fudge torte with cinnamon swirls !

充满了半甜柔滑的巧克力糖浆。Filled with semi-sweet and smooth creamy chocolate fudge.

这一奇特的地位使它可以规避这些争论。Its peculiar status has inclined it to fudge the argument.

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巨蟹座会为邻居织毛衣或者自制巧克力。Cancer knits sweaters and makes fudge for the neighborhood.

你想想看,你能做出跟那块巧克力乳脂软糖蛋糕一样的来吗?Do you think you could duplicate that chocolate fudge cake?

福吉别开脸,心想今天又吃不上饭了。Fudge dont carve ones face, thought proper meal again today.