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谁拥有希腊的借款?Who owns that Greek debt?

这个词是从希腊文来的。The word comes from Greek.

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他们读的是希腊语的。They all read it in Greek.

在希腊她们说希腊文。In Greece they speak Greek.

很显然,它源于希腊语。Evidently it comes from Greek.

其实λ就是希腊字母中的。L It is the Greek letter for L.

世界著名的希腊开胃酒。The world famous Greek aperitif.

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古希腊医师Soranus去世。Soranus, a Greek physician, died.

希腊文中有一个词“physicalThere is a Greek word "physical."

公元前500年时的希腊剧作家。A Greek playwright back in 500 BC.

这是希腊语的一个句子。This is all one sentence in Greek.

hroma在希腊语表示颜色Chroma is the Greek word for color.

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周四,享受一次“希腊野餐”。Enjoy a Greek "picnic" on Thursdays.

希腊城市处处皆是Greek cities are all over the place.

他在聚会上介绍我认识了一位希腊姑娘。He dme to a Greek girl at the party.

我希你走真忙这个!I the Greek you go really busy this!

奥狄修斯是传说中的希腊英雄。Odysseus was a legendary Greek hero.

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我学了一年的希腊菜烹饪法。I studied Greek cuisine for one year.

可是希腊人会因为这种想法而抓狂A Greek would go crazy at the thought.

和爱人去一个与世隔绝的希腊小岛。A secluded Greek island with my lover.