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此外,二维码还有其他不足之处。QR codes have other drawbacks.

QR代码将进入零售市场。QR codes will start to enter retail markets.

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每个应用均链接到AppBrain或者可以使用二维码进行安装。Each app links to AppBrain where you can install or use the QR Code.

你也可以通过二维码与他人共享你的联系人信息。You can also share your contact information with other through QR codes.

QR码就是那些看起来很滑稽的条码,最近你肯定看到很多。QR codes are those funny looking bar codes you’ve no doubt started seeing recently.

第二章改进了受到磁场作用的N电子量子环的理论。In chapter 2, theory of an N-electron QR subjected to the magnetic field is improved.

由摄像式获取的QR码因为采集光照不均匀会给二值化带来困难。QR code obtained by camera is difficult to binarization because of uneven illumination.

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我还小装置的QR代码在我的网页的右上角含有本网站的信息。I added a widget QR code on my upper right corner page which contain this site information.

该算法利用QR因式分解以解决最小二乘方探测问题。The algorithm relies on a QR factorization approach to the least-squares detection problem.

码,看起来像电视接收不良的东西,或者外来的停机坪。QR codes , which look something like a TV with poor reception, or perhaps an alien landing pad.

你要把二维码置于这个区域的中心,让“条形码阅读器”能够读取。You’ll want to center the QR code inside that display so that it can be read by Barcode Scanner.

铝合金车架,后折弯扶手,可拆脚托,实心前轮,快拆充气后轮。Aluminum frame, after bending handrails, removable foot care, solid front, pneumatic rear wheel QR.

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有效使用QR码的一个例子是加州巴里大农场,Kaushik补充。One example of a company using efficient QR codes is California Giant Berry Farms, per Mr. Kaushik.

QR是快速反应的意思,意指代码中的数据能够迅速解码。QR code stands for quick response, a reference to how speedily the data they contain can be decoded.

该应用程序的二维码会显示在屏幕上,可以通过别的设备扫描。The QR code for the application will be displayed on the screen and can be scanned by another device.

英国的一家大学使用QR码将纸质期刊与电子期刊连接起来。A university in the UK used QR codes to link users from the physical version of a journal to the electronic.

确保正确进入市场,用Google的Goggles或者是条码扫描仪,扫描每个游戏旁的QR码。Scan the QR code next to each game with Google Goggles or Bar code Scanner to go right to it in the Market.

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所有在联系簿中储存的信息都会被储存在二维码中,它会出现在屏幕上待君扫描。All information stored in the contact will be stored in the QR code and displayed on the screen to be scanned.

它将网址和文本转换为类似图形的条形码,可以通过手机或QR码阅读器读取信息。The codes turn URLs and text into barcode-like images that can be scanned using a mobile phone or a QR code reader.

康特拉科斯塔县图书馆得到一笔款项,将QR码贴在图书上来告诉读者此书的相关图书。The Contra Costa County Library received a grant to put QR codes on popular books that links the user to read-alikes.