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嘲笑主人磕巴的口齿?Mocked the host's stammer?

很多小孩口吃,但长大就改过来了。Many children stammer but grow out of it.

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你不想一声不吭,也不想结结巴巴。And you don't want to stutter and stammer.

而你又不想结结巴巴地说。And you don't want to stutter and stammer.

她总是拿汤姆的口吃开玩笑。She is always ragging Tom about his stammer.

不论怎样,都不要畏缩、支吾或抱歉。Whatever you do, don't cower, stammer or apologize.

你不想一声不吭,也不想结结巴巴。You can't clam up. And you don't want to stutter and stammer.

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口技表演者感到了不安,他结结巴巴地准备道歉。Flustered, the ventriloquist begins to stammer out an apology.

她还没来得及结结巴巴地作出解释,他就把门关上了。He closed the door before she could stammer out her explanation.

他命令道,带着轻微的结巴,挥舞着雨伞。He ordered, with only a mild stammer as he flourished the bumbershoot.

科林·费尔斯扮演她的父亲,一个不情愿的国王英勇地克服了他的结巴。Colin Firth as her father, a reluctant king manfully overcoming his stammer.

而现在,科学家们已发现唱歌对治疗口吃非常有效的原因。Now scientists have discovered why singing is so effective at treating a stammer.

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每一个音节的衔接她都尽力做到清晰流畅,丝毫也没有吞音或结巴。She uttered each syllable with controlled clarity, and without a splutter or stammer.

募捐中心的代表开始吞吞吐吐的道歉,但是再次被律师打断了。The stricken United Way rep began to stammer out an apology, but was interrupted again.

他的口吃甚至严重到他根本不能说出一个字来,而整个英国民众们只能尴尬地奉承着。His stammer means he can hardly get a word out, and the nation cringes with embarrassment.

你无法沉默。而你又不想结结巴巴地说。那么,作为一个求职者这个时候应该怎么做呢?You can't clam up. And you don't want to stutterand stammer. So what's a job seeker to do?

尚恒向地特诉苦,地特支吾以对,尚恒要求地特给他一点反应。ShangHeng to complain, land, stammer to ShangHeng requirements to react, give him a little.

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你不能沉默。而你又不想结结巴巴地说。那么,作为一个求职者这个时候应该怎么做呢?You can't clam up. And you don't want to stutter and stammer. So what's a job seeker to do.

正当我开始研究Stutter的语源时,我突然碰到了它的同义词stammer。As soon as I began looking into the etymology of stutter I bumped up against its synonym stammer.

他的面部会不时的抽搐,而且长久以来一直受到口吃的困扰,正是这些才帮他将谎言隐藏在他那温和慈祥长辈的形象下面。Only his facial twitches and the ghost of an old stammer gave the lie to his calm, avuncular image.