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我猜你不能。I bet you cant.

熊不会说话。Bears cant talk.

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我不能让你走。I cant let you go.

我跑不了那么快。I cant ran that fast!

你可以走,可我不能走。You can go but I cant.

不,你当然不能这样。No, you certainly cant.

我的心灵深处,你难道不知道?deep inside, cant you see?

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萧妃却表示睡不着。XiaoFei says he cant sleep.

还是因为塑料不会说'不"?Because plastic cant say no?

我是很喜欢,但是我做不了啊!I would love to, but I cant.

人类没有水不能活。Man cant live without water.

对不起,不行,我现在很忙。Sorry, I cant. I am busy now.

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留不住你无奈何。Helplessly cant keep you here.

我不能相信她正在操他!I cant believe shes fucking him!

我的情感难以言表。I cant convey my feelings in words.

他们一贯侈谈世界和平。They always cant about world peace.

忍不住暗然泪下。Cant help but dark however to tears.

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但它不能建立复合抛物线。But it cant build compound parabolas.

不能。我的表出了问题。No, I cant. My watch is out of order.

很抱歉,我们不能按你们的要求装船。We regret we cant ship as you desired.