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随着时间流逝,爱情慢慢消失,伴侣的消极会导致幻灭。Negativism in a spouse leads to disillusionment over time as love declines.

他们也会经历理想的幻灭和心碎,这会让他们退缩。They also experience disillusionment and heartache, causing them to fall back.

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关于这项技术的前景和困难,当时尚有许多不明朗之处。There was a lot of disillusionment with the spec and the difficulty of the technology.

虽然调查最终认定他是清白的,但他辞去了公务员职务,提笔写作倾诉自己的醒悟。Though eventually cleared he quit the service and poured out his disillusionment on paper.

这些都是相当不可能发生的,所以希望将很快幻灭。This is extremely unlikely to happen, and therefore disillusionment will set in very quickly.

这可能就是刚刚开始膨胀的愤怒和醒悟的前奏。This one could be a prelude to the anger and disillusionment that is only beginning to swell.

一大群观众正为自己从一些曾使人深受影响的幻觉中觉醒而感到欣喜非常。A large audience is seen rejoicing in some disillusionment to which it has just been subjected.

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当人们在幻灭和挫败中把目光移向别处,我们知道是什麽填补了空白。And as people have looked away in disillusionment and frustration, we know what's filled the void.

当人们在幻灭和挫败中把目光移向别处,我们知道是什么填补了空白。And as people have looked away in disillusionment and frustration, we know what’s filled the void.

他没有万念俱灰,放毒气,喝得烂醉或者在我的地板上找皱巴巴的内裤。No disillusionment in him passing gas, drinking too much or seeing his rumpled underwear on my floor.

几个稚气未脱的青年,满怀憧憬,应征入伍,结果却发现梦想破灭,处处都是死亡。Several fresh-faced youths idealistically enlist in the army, only to find disillusionment and death.

经验的危险之处是其经常导致理想破灭,这就要求团队的能力去克服。The danger with experience is that it often leads to disillusionment. This requires energy to overcome.

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二十世纪早期,悲观主义和幻灭感弥漫着战后的欧洲。In the early decades of the 20th century disillusionment and pessimism prevailed in the post-war Europe.

幻想的破灭促使一些乌克兰人寻找新的面孔,包括那些极右分子。This disillusionment is pushing some Ukrainians to look for new faces, including those on the far right.

这一过程中出现的各种幻灭感最终成为女性自我觉醒的起点。The sense of disillusionment recurring during the balance-discovery process leads to women's self-awareness.

对政治阶级的幻灭感是人们不再投票的更重要的原因。Disillusionment with the political class is a more powerful factor that will keep people away from the polls.

但是在周轶伦作品中的幻灭之光也映衬着作者本人对生命希望的向往。However, the light of disillusionment in Zhou Yilun's works is also reflecting his yearn for the hope of life.

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如果3个月内未出结果,人们必将理想破灭。希望这一情况不会出现。If results are not forthcoming in the next 3 months disillusionment is bound to set in. Let not that situation arise.

但对其他一些人来说,中年也许意味着理想幻灭、糟糕职业的遗憾与令人疲惫的婚姻。But for others, the middle years may be times of disillusionment and regret about stalled careers and stale marriages.

现在霍奇提出了他自己的、完全不同的、对奥巴马政府造成的自由主义幻灭感的看法。Now Hodge offers his own, quite different, account of the liberal disillusionment occasioned by the Obama administration.