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恩典与信心是不可分的。Grace and faith are inseparable.

两个朋友形影不离。The two friends were inseparable.

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扬州和运河是分不开的。Yangzhou and the canal are inseparable.

但我对你们说,它们是不可分的。But I say unto you, they are inseparable.

而我说,他们是形影不离的。But I say unto you , they are inseparable.

而阅读又与图式理论密不可分。And reading and schema theory and inseparable.

呃,从那以后我们就形影不离。Well, from that moment on we were inseparable.

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礼貌和美貌是分不开白勺伴侣。Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue.

我们认为,痤疮和油性皮肤是分不开的。We believe that acne and oily skin are inseparable.

他向她表白了他的痴情,说他们永不分离。He told her he loved her, and they were inseparable.

“外延”与“内含”往往是密不可分的。"Denotative " with " embedded " often be inseparable.

给麦蒂一些时间,他是火箭不可分开的一部分。Give Tmac some time, he is an inseparable part for Rox.

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他们三个人如同一个色拉餐叉上的弹簧一样无法分开。The three are as inseparable as the prongs of a salad fork.

两年的相处让他们如今形影不离。After spending two years together, they are now inseparable.

接下来的三周里,克里斯和潘多拉变得难分难舍。For the next three weeks, Chris and Pandora were inseparable.

人与自然、建筑从来就是不可分的。Human beings, nature and architecture are always inseparable.

军民关系亲如鱼水。The army and the people are as inseparable as fish and water.

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在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。That we wish, to be the inseparable birds flying in the heaven.

企业和略取工业所处的性命周迟期密出无否开。The Corporate Strategy is inseparable from Industry Life Cycle.

多丽丝和弗洛拉两个形影不离,如胶似漆。Doris and Flora are inseparable. They're like two peas in a pod.