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胚囊发育类型为英地百合型,合点端形成胚囊吸器。With embryo sac haustorium in chalazal end, the embryo sac is Endymion type.

核型胚乳,合点端具胚乳吸器。Endosperm formation is nuclear type and the endosperm forms chalazal haustorium.

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初生合点吸器沿着胚珠的维管组织分支。The primary chalazal haustorium ramifies around the vascular tissues of the ovule.

吸器可以在发育早期受抑坏死,也可迟滞至吸器体形成之后坏死。Early necrosis or post haustorium formation necrosis of haustoria might take place.

球形胚晚期吸器自珠孔端向合点端逐渐细胞化。The haustorium cellularizated from the micropylar end to chalazal end at the later globular stage.

胚分化出子叶时,胚乳吸器自合点端向珠孔端退化。When the embryo differentiated cotyledons, the haustorium cells gradually degenerated, then disappear.

胚乳细胞质团追接胚乳吸器和外侧的珠心组织,它可能是胚乳吸器一个活跃的功能单位。This mass, which connected the haustorium with nucellus was likely to be as an active functional unit of haustorium.

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吸器鞘的厚度随着吸器伸长膨大而逐渐增厚。The thickness of the haustorial sheath is getting thicker and thicker along with the haustorium elongation and swell.

在双核吸器形成过程中,寄主细胞可分泌胼胝质和产生与侵染有关的管状结构。During formation of the dikaryotic haustorium there were collars formed around the neckand tubles in cytoplasm in host cell.

利用光镜和电镜手段,采用人工培养和诱导等方法详细观察并研究了肉苁蓉寄生生长过程中种子萌发、吸器产生以及植物体形态发育的过程。We performed artificial culture and induction of C. deserticolaio study seed germination, haustorium generation and morphologic development by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.