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杰夫,别哭啦。Jeff, stop crying.

我好想哭喔。I feel like crying.

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柯西金当时哭了。Kosygin was crying.

她放声大哭。She busted out crying.

她哭成了一个泪人。She is crying in tears.

哭能提升情绪。Crying can elevate mood.

他是真的欲哭无泪。He was literally crying.

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这是婴儿的啼哭声吗?Is this the baby crying?

她忍不住大叫起来。She couldnt help crying.

我现在已经止不住泪了。I cannot stop crying now!

珊米,你为什么要哭?Why are you crying Sammie?

她开始哀嚎痛哭。She was wailing and crying.

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孩子们在哇哇大哭。The kids are crying loudly.

他像一个女孩子很爱哭。He is like a girl is crying.

大宝在哭还是在笑?Is Dumbo crying or laughing?

一只小蜜蜂看到他们在那哭。A little bee saw them crying.

她的嗓子都喊哑了。Her throat husked for crying.

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事已至此,哭也没用。It's no use crying over milk.

那儿都是哭声和呼喊声。There was crying and calling.

好好到贡院来耍,为什么这样痛哭?Why are you crying so loudly?