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这是有机械加工新干事实在不少。Here is the new stem with machining work aplenty.

周末在这个地区这种机会是很丰富的哦。Well, this weekend, the choices are aplenty throughout the region.

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委托很多,都是他关注的为穷人所做的项目。Commissions came in aplenty through his favourite ones wer for the poor.

他们冲进了层层叠叠的绿色南瓜藤和南瓜叶,上面正结满了又大又圆的南瓜。They rushed into green vines and leaves aplenty with big and round pumpkins.

当然,巴西队总归还是巴西队,依然是那么地才华横溢、技术出众。Of course, this is still Brazil, so there is still flair and technique aplenty.

生产生物柴油的主要农作物大豆在美国也广为种植。Soybeans, the main crop for biodiesel, also are grown aplenty in the United States.

有喜悦济如果你是开放的,并神秘的喜悦如果你花时间的。There is joy aplenty if you are open to it, and mystic joy if you take the time for it.

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靠着捕猎北极熊和海象,他们很快就吃上了丰富的鲜肉并恢复了体力。Hunting polar bear and walrus, they soon had fresh meat aplenty and regained their strength.

“生态城”希望能够吸引数量众多的游客前来,从而兼备旅游休闲的功能。And the hope is that there will be visitors aplenty . The eco-city is to be partly a tourist attraction.

用户可以进行很多个性化设置,但实际上,默认设置已经足够了。Settings aplenty are accessible for tweak-fans however I found the default set to be more than good enough.

浴室很大,旧的贴砖,但是一尘不染,水压很好,热水充足。The bathroom was huge! Old tiling but nevertheless, spotless. Water pressure was good and hot water aplenty.

法布雷加斯那记戏剧性的进球看似让阿森纳将三分拽在了手里。The was drama aplenty in the north east as Cesc Fabregas' fortune opener looked like being the match-winning goal.

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此外,在中国,先前所描述的低乳糖乳制品和乳糖游离钙的来源非常丰富。In addition to the low-lactose dairy products previously described, lactose-free calcium sources are aplenty in China.

亲爱的总理先生,今天你所在的国家已经向你的国家输送了数以千计的游客和金钱。Dear Mr Prime Minister, today you are in the country that sends umpteen-thousand of tourists and money aplenty to Greece.

甚至官方的党报——“人民日报”,也登载了经审查的相关文章但是怀疑这种观点的大有人在。Even the Communist Party's main mouthpiece, the People's Daily, carried an approving article. But there were sceptics aplenty.

列车将攀越落基山脉,驶过大草原,进入布满湖泊的区域。在四天的行程中,无数的原始风光和野生动物将展现在你眼前。Over the Rocky Mountains, down onto the prairies and into water sodden lakes district over four days, The Canadian offers wild landscapes and wildlife aplenty.

我们所选的影片是在北京从来没有被放映过的,这些新奇的电影是由中外导演为了最大限度地激起观众的兴趣并触发观众的灵感而创作的。The selected works are always ones never-before seen in Beijing- created with newness by Chinese and Western directors set to intrigue and inspire audiences aplenty.

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最高光的时刻是给贝拉米和库伊特的传球,以及在切尔西开场阶段的高压下不知疲倦的奔跑和灵活的变向过人。He was at his best slipping Craig Bellamy and Dirk Kuyt, such willing runners, through Chelsea's obligatory high line in the opening period with clever reverse passes aplenty.

本研究有助于幼儿园与家庭、社区合作共育内容理论的丰富,为幼儿园社会领域教育活动的开展进行实践指导。This paper can aplenty the content about the corporation with kindergarten, family and community in theory. It also can give some advice to the practice of the kindergarten social studies.