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孤零零的哀歌将不会唤醒水手。Monody shall not wake the mariner.

平静的大海决不能造就出熟练的水手。A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.

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平静的海洋练不出熟练的水手。A smooth sea never nade a skillful mariner.

它是在1974年被“麦仑娜10号”宇宙飞船发现的。It was discovered in 1974 by the Mariner 10 spacecraft.

老水手喜欢讲他的海上奇遇。The old mariner liked to yarn about his sea adventures.

船长和海丝特·白兰没有再说什么。Nothing further passed between the mariner and Hester Prynne.

当“水手3号”升入太空时本应该展开太阳能电池板。When Mariner 3 reached space, it was supposed to unfurl solar panels.

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这将是一件惊人之事,因为水手10号并未发现很多铁。That would be a surprise because Mariner 10 didn't find much iron, he said.

他是水手九号火星探测器研制小组成员。He was a member of the team that worked on the voyage of Mariner Nine to Mars.

信使号是第一艘环绕水星轨道的飞船,自从1974-75年的水手号以来。MESSENGER is the first spacecraft to orbit Mercury since Mariner 10 in 1974-75.

人类首次在普罗克特环形山内看到类似沙丘是在35年前,由“水手9号”飞船发现的。Similar dunes were first seen in Proctor Crater by Mariner 9 more than 35 years ago.

“水,到处是水,但没有一滴可以喝的,”古代水手感叹到。“WATER, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink,” lamented the becalmed Ancient Mariner.

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上世纪70年代,NASA水手10号对水星的首次局部观测就发现了这种物质。That material was seen with NASA's first partial view of Mercury by Mariner 10 in the 1970s.

如果没有「水手号」和「海盗号」这麽进步的探测船,我们可能还对火星非常陌生。Think of how much we'd still be wondering about Mars if not for fancy probe like Mariner and Viking.

该火星探测器于1971年发射升空,水手九号火星探测器沿火星轨道运行是太空飞行器第一次沿着别的行星轨道运行。It was launched in nineteen seventy-one. Mariner Nine was the first space vehicle to orbit another planet.

当电影情节沿着一条漫长而拐弯抹角路线展开时,正如很多海员会跟你讲的那样,“明星”是航行中最必不可少的。When a plot takes a long, tortuous route, then—as any mariner will tell you—stars are essential for navigation.

这是水星二十面体的创建从一个地图水手10号太空船在地球上采取从图像数据的。This icosahedron of Mercury was created from a map of the planet taken from image data by the Mariner 10 spacecraft.

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小屋里面的墙上挂着一个从某个旧货市场买来的守护着壁炉的老水手像。Within her inner walls, an ancient mariner statue bought from some long-ago yard sale guards the old stone fireplace.

孩子沿着一条弯弯曲曲的路线穿过市场,回到她母亲身边,把船长的话转告给她。Pursuing a zigzag course across the market-place, the child returned to her mother, and communicated what the mariner had said.

美国宇航局的税收10号探测器在1974年成功进行了一次技术演示,当时它即兴地用自己的太阳能板当作太阳帆来使用。The Mariner 10 probe successfully demonstrated the technology in 1974 when NASA used the probe's solar arrays as an impromptu sail.