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其法律效果主要发生在原所有权人、让与人和受让人之间。Its legislative effect is mainly valid to the owner, assignor and concessionaire.

速记员可能是旅馆的职工,也可能是某一受让人的雇员。The stenographer may be either a hotel employee or an employee of a concessionaire.

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你们公司是世界上最大的邮轮免税店的承包商。Starboard cruise service is the largest duty-free shipboard concessionaire in the world.

在国内以特许加盟作为营销模式的专业珠宝公司。Concessionaire in the country to join as a marketing model of professional jewelry company.

他认为火狐3毫无疑问是对火狐2的一个改进,特许是一个重大的改进。He believes that Firefox 3 is undoubtedly an improvement of Firefox 2, the concessionaire is a major improvement.

特许合约建立了政府和特许公司之间金钱与服务上交易的正式关系。The concession contract establishes a formal relationship of exchange of service and money between the host government and concessionaire.

该制度的完善对于保障社会公共利益和特许权人的合法权益具有极其重要的意义。The improvement of the system is extremely significant to ensure social public interest and legitimate rights and interests of concessionaire.

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特许权是不能变更的,它规定特许权享有人需要履行矿业法强制推行的义务从而来维持特许权的效力。Concessions are irrevocable provided that the concessionaire fulfills the obligations set forth by the General Mining Act to maintain the concession effectiveness.

我国现行民事法律尚未在整体上实现动产善意取得制度的立法化,动产善意取得法律构成要件应当包括让与人要件、受让人要件及标的物要件等。As to the existing Civil Law in China, the bona fide possession system is not legislative yet, which components should include assignor, concessionaire and object components.

“账户协议”指即将由ABC有限公司,特许经营公司与开户银行在生效日期当日或之前签订的协议,以及随时可能对其原文所做的修订。"Accounts Agreement"means the Accounts Agreement to be entered into among ABC INC. , the Concessionaire and the Accounts Bank on or before the Commencement Date, as amended from time to time.