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我到马略卡岛去了。I've been to Majorca.

去西班牙的马略卡岛度假。A holiday in Spain, in Majorca.

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我们在马霍卡玩儿得真痛快。We had a great time in Majorca.

它甚至为你推荐马略卡岛的私人度假保姆和临时奶妈。It can even recommend private holiday nannies and babysitters in Majorca.

我此刻正在有着许多美丽海滩的马略卡岛学习。I'm staying in Majorca at the moment where there are many beautiful beach.

这名女子说现在她计划在马略卡岛买一栋乡间别墅,再养几只马。The woman said she now plans to buy a country house in Majorca and raise horses.

康塔多本周仍在西班牙马略卡的巴里阿里群岛与队友一起训练。Contador is training this week with his team on the Spanish Balearic island of Majorca.

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而如今这次扩建,目标是为了恢复树木与干石墙,这些都是马略卡岛环境史的一部分。Now, with this extension, the aim is to regain the trees and dry stonewalls that have been part of the environmental history of Majorca.

据该网站的消息,这位爱尔兰的流行歌星兼演员于昨天与其同性男友安德鲁·考尔斯在西班牙马洛卡岛度假时死亡。The Irish pop star and actor was on holiday with his civil partner, Andrew Cowles, in Majorca when he died yesterday, according to the website.

巴利阿里群岛的一个西班牙的岛,位于地中海西部、马略卡岛西南。这岛吸引着游客和艺术家,并有罗马人、腓尼基人和迦太基人的遗迹。Spanish island of the Balearic Islands in the western Mediterranean Sea southwest of Majorca. The island attracts tourists and artists and has Roman, Phoenician, and Carthaginian ruins.

巴利阿里群岛的一个西班牙的岛,位于地中海西部、马略卡岛西南。这岛吸引着游客和艺术家,并有罗马人、腓尼基人和迦太基人的遗迹。A Spanish island of the Balearic Islands in the western Mediterranean Sea southwest of Majorca. The island attracts tourists and artists and has Roman, Phoenician, and Carthaginian ruins.