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我请客。My treat.

今天我请客。My treat today.

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准备一个零食盒。Have a treat box.

这次由我请客。This is my treat.

今晚我请。Tonights my treat.

你怎样对待别人。How you treat people.

正确对待你的脚。Treat your feet right.

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怎么治疗油性皮肤?How to treat oily skin?

你怎样对待自己。How you treat yourself.

心灵鸡汤英文午餐我请你!Ill treat you to lunch.

他们待我像废物一样.They treat me like crap.

这一次的款待,是为你而设的。This is a treat for you.

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怎样治疗脚抽筋?How to treat crural cramp?

我只当你是条狗而已!I just treat you as a dog!

我尊重地对待他们。I treat them with respect.

为什么要请客吃饭?Why Treat People to Meals?

应当怎样对待毒草?How to treat the poisonous?

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不要把我当白痴看待。Don't treat me like a moron.

不要轻率对待。Do not treat them flippantly.

你如何对待对手?How do you treat competitors?