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恐惧症说到底是一种非理性的恐惧。A phobia, after all, is an irrational fear.

另外这也是很荒谬的。It's always irrational as well, in addition.

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他们态度恶劣,表现得很不理智。They behaved very bad attitudes, irrational.

这一判断是感性和武断的。This judgment was irrational and dogmatical.

二的平方根是一个无理数。The square root of two is an irrational number.

不惜悄的人,永远得不到友情!An irrational person can never acheive happiness.

怨恨下的非理性思考?What irrational thinking underlies my resentment?

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子贡觉得这些人不可理喻,因此就回去了。Zi Gong felt that they were irrational so he went back.

他对无理数作了出色的处理。He produced his beautiful treatment of irrational numbers.

是一个无理数,也是一个超越数。Is an irrational number , also is a transcendental number.

爱情就象圆周率—自然、非理性,却至关重要。Love is like pi¬ —natural , irrational , and VERY important.

丹尼尔·珊顿应该是这世上脑子进水最多的人。Daniel Shenton should be the most irrational man in the world.

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我跟他分享我的梦想和失败,以及许多无理由的恐惧。I shared my dreams, my failures, and my many irrational fears.

一个不合逻辑的看法是一对双胞的无意义的感觉之一。An irrational feeling is the twin of an invalidated perception.

希勒认为,美国在一个非理性的狂热是抓地力。Shiller believes America is in the grip of an irrational mania.

佛法中也没有不切合实际或不理性的东西。In the Dhamma, there is nothing that is impractical or irrational.

当然,问题的答案在于正是这些理性主义者才不理性。The answer, of course, is it is the rationalists who are irrational.

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本文对茨威格小说中的非理性激情进行研究。This essay analyses the irrational passion in Stefan Zweig s novels.

开放式基金的“羊群行为”就是其中一种非理性行为。Herd Behavior in open-ended funds is one kind of its irrational acts.

不良行为和非理性决定几乎都是由恐惧引起的。Bad behavior and irrational decisions are almost always caused by fear.