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抱歉长官,这是例行程序。Sorry sir, it’s procedure.

开始程序转弯叫。Call starting procedure turn.

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LASIK手术是一种具有美容性质的手术。LASIK is a cosmetic procedure.

我应如何办手续?How shall I take its procedure?

这一程序是由法律批准的。The law warrants this procedure.

所以这就是我的单元测试流程。So here's my unit test procedure.

所以,正确的步骤是什么呢?So what is the correct procedure?

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这就是“杀青”工序了。This is the "fixation" procedure.

这手续会花很多时间吗?Does the procedure take much time?

请勿使用老粮仓离场程序。Don't use LLG departure procedure.

这个程序阻止了这个文件。This procedure inactivates the file.

我应办什么手续?What kind of procedure shall I take?

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是否有纠正预防措施程序?Does the factory have CAPA procedure?

有人使用过奴佛卡因吗?Has anyone had a novacaine procedure?

他熟悉出口手续。He is familiar with export procedure.

运行反间谍程序。Operation counter-espionage procedure.

这只是标准的操作程序。It’s just standard operating procedure.

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到目前为止,所有的都是标准的程序。So far, this is all standard procedure.

这是其中的一个标定程序。This is one of a calibration procedure.

康克林说这是标准程序。Conklin said this is standard procedure.