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语音数据登录?。VDE? Voice Data Entry?

让入门的你少走弯路。Entry you make detours.

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咱们到迪斯科舞厅去。Free entry to discotheque.

为了纠正入水过宽的错误。To correct the wide entry.

请给我一张入境卡。Please give me a entry card.

参赛费为每队60元人民币。Entry fee is 60 RMB per team.

房屋入口处的天桥和阶梯外观。Exterior entry bridge and stair.

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请您填一下入境卡。Please fill out this entry card.

代表一个自动图文集词条。Represents a single AutoText entry.

每个通用条目由12字节。Each IFD entry consists of 12 bytes.

开孔安装,正面进线形式。Bulkhead mounting and top entry type.

今天是小克的米兰德比啊…This entry was posted in forza milan.

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开孔安装,侧面进线形式。Bulkhead mounting and side entry type.

此自动更正词条不存在。This autocorrect entry does not exist.

然后创建新的数据库条目。It then creates the new database entry.

你的车能远程无钥匙进入吗?Does your car have remote keyless entry?

实施进入有限空间前,预先回顾许可证。Review entry permit prior to making CSE.

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在哪儿可以办理入境手续?Wherecan I go through entry formalities?

你应该给这部分增加一个入口。You should add an entry to this section.

创建一个单行的文本输入控件。Creates a single-line text entry control.