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我不承认任何这类事情。I recognise no such thing.

肓人靠触觉辩认东西。Blind people recognise things by feeling them.

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许多阿联酋人意识到了这种法律上的混乱状态。Many Emiratis recognise that the law is muddled.

人们可以承认某人是一个皇帝,或是一个杂货商。One can recognise a man as an Emperor orasa grocer.

耗子、老鼠和野鼠靠嗅觉区分彼此。Rats, mice and voles recognise each other by smell.

在你的公司组织系统中是否存在这样的问题?Do you recognise these problems in your organisation?

抗体帮助身体去识别和抗击致病微生物。Antibodies help the body to recognise and fight off germs.

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我们需要认识到,有些责任是双方的。We need to recognise there are responsibilities on both sides.

人们不难明白疯了决策的性别歧视现象,在这里的行动。It is not hard to recognise crazy-making sexism in action here.

他被打了很多枪,他妈妈都认不出他来了。They shot him so badly that his mother could not recognise him.

我们认识到传统医学被广泛应用。We recognise that the use of traditional medicine is widespread.

此外,您可以分辨出太阳能电池板和大型散热器。Also, you may recognise the solar panels and the large radiators.

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当代作家们也认为嫉羡是一种痛苦的情感。Contemporary authors also recognise envy as a painful affliction.

不过我认识到这是一个敏感而引发情绪的话题。However, I recognise that this is a sensitive and emotive subject.

通过训练,我们可以轻易地在照片上辨认这些肌肉。With training, these muscles are easy to recognise in photographs.

你能在他们的面目上认识恩泽的光华。Thou wilt recognise in their faces the beaming brightness of Bliss.

我们认为合理的利润是公司发展的源动力。We recognise profitability as the driving force of our corporation.

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认出它独一无二的金头特征吗?Recognise its unique golden head features from last week's pictures?

“这伙暴徒不把警察的权威当回事,”他说。“These gangs don’t recognise the authority of the police, ” he said.

因此,不承认中国大陆的学历毫无道理。So it made no sense not to recognise mainland Chinese qualifications.