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带他们去巴厘岛。Take them to Bali.

你想去巴里岛的白色沙滩?You wanna dance on a beach in Bali?

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艾琳·康迪特-伯根博客,写自巴厘岛。Erin Condit-Bergren blogs from Bali.

比较传统的巴厘岛存在着超过库塔。The more traditional Bali lies beyond Kuta.

欢迎来到巴厘岛山妍四季度假村。Welcome to Four Seasons Resort Bali at Sayan.

所有这一切实际上都决定在巴里岛。None of this will actually be decided at Bali.

那导致了巴厘岛上最剧烈的冲突。That produced the most dramatic clash in Bali.

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美食成了巴厘岛让人为之痴情的又一大亮点。Food became Bali let a person spoony and tom. com.

峇里岛是我去过最充满异国情调的地方。The most exotic place I have ever visited was Bali.

由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。Since the Bali 10,000 kinds of customs, scenery is lai.

我应该看到你穿三点式泳装在巴厘岛上。I should watch you wearing bikini running at Bali beach.

由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。As the Bali million species and customs scenery very lai.

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我将要介绍的是位于巴厘岛的海神庙。I'm going to introduce is located in the Bali sea temple.

这时我第一次到巴厘岛,我选择了硬石酒店。This is my first trip to Bali and my chosen hotel is HRH.

由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为瑰丽。As the Bali million species and customs, scenery very lai.

巴厘岛固然美丽,但是现时的氛围不适合我。Bali may be beautiful but this time round it is not for me.

本讨论区系为准备到巴里岛旅游之游客所设置。This forum is provided for travelers planning to visit Bali.

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印尼的巴厘岛是第一届亚沙会的东道主。Bali in Indonesia is the host of the first Asian Beach Games.

香港航空公司来回香港至峇里机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Bali on HX.

潘基文在2007年的巴厘岛气候变化会议上发言。Ban Ki-moon speaks at the Bali climate change conference in 2007.