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知识与生命实存之间的不合谐是我研究的主题。The discordance between knowledge and being is my subject.

这两项产品间的不一致令老板恼怒。The discordance between these two products bothered the boss.

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所有的东西都考虑过,不一致的原因可能并不重要。All things considered, the reason for discordance might not be important.

但格格不入是美好的,有冲突才有美感。However, discordance is fine because it may represent the exclusive beauty.

这种不调和随之将在生命之舞中转动不和谐的梦想和忧愁。The discordance then spins dreams of discord and unhappiness in the dance of life.

岩溶地区不整合地层系统之岩土构成复杂。The structure of soil and rock is extremly complex in the discordance formation system in Karst area.

目的报道房室连接不一致的心室双出口外科治疗经验。Objective To report the surgical treatment for double outlet of ventricle with atrioventricular discordance.

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怀特娄认为,外遗传的变异「也可能解释同卵双胞胎不一致的发病现象」。Epigenetic variations "could explain the odd discordance of diseases among identical twins, " Whitelaw suggests.

她奇特的思维模式通常表现为扭曲的缝线,不对称的剪裁,尚未完工的下摆和不调和的色彩。Her unique thought model is usually embodied on the twisted sutures, unsymmetrical clippings, unfinished laps and discordance colors.

这种新阶级意识的自觉性,就是打倒所有权的前提。Out of that discordance arises the consciousness of a new class, and with its rise to self-consciousness the fall of ownership begins.

这种不和谐引发了一个新阶级的觉悟,继而是他们对所有权开始衰落的自觉。Out of that discordance arises the consciousness of a new class, and with its rise to self-consciousness the fall of ownership begins.

根本原因,是城市化的掠夺和扩张性强,是地区之间、城市和农村之间不和谐的发展。The ultimate cause is that the strong depredation and expansion of urbanization lead to discordance between regions, cities and rural areas.

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唯剥蚀区内的不整合地层封闭中,向上倾尖灭的那一部分有捕集油气的功能,具有远景。Oil and gas can only be captured in the updip pinch-out part of the closed discordance formation in denudation area, which has broad prospect.

仍然有可能的是,一些未知的遗传因素,即使是最先进的工具也发现不了,这些也许能解释研究中不一致的地方。It's still possible that some as-yet-unknown genetic factor, undetectable by even the most advanced tools, may explain the discordance in the study.

道德风险是在委托代理关系中产生的,其原因在于委托人和代理人努力目标不一致,信息不对等。Moral risk is produced in principal and agent relationship, which results from the discordance of purpose and unequal information between principal and agent.

本文分析了影响足球机器人运动协调差的原因,针对机器人运动的特点,提出了同步补偿算法及实施方案。This paper analyses the cause of impact soccer robot motion discordance. Aim at characteristic of robot, this paper presents compensate arithmetic and implement scheme.

但这个也会将来引发一些问题,她告诉听众,“有一个足够低不一致率的亚群可以提示重新活检不需要吗?”But this does pose questions for the future, she told the audience. "Is there a subgroup with a low enough rate of discordance to suggest that rebiopsy is not necessary?"

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而且,由于儿童发育性协调障碍临床表现的多样性,与其他疾病的高并发率以及亚型分类上的不一致导致其发病机制至今未明。In addition, the mechanism of DCD remains unclear duo to diversity in clinical manifestation, high comorbidity rate and discordance in classification of subtypes of the disease.

曾经有一位外聘总裁B,因为在下班前30分钟开会,遭到L的批评,最终因为两人关系不和而导致B的离开。Once the president B, employed from the outside, had held a meeting 30 minutes before off-hour, and was criticized by L, B finally left the company due to his discordance with L.

这种族源、语言、文化上的一致性和政治上的不一致性极易被不法之徒所利用,对国家、地区安全构成威胁。The coherence of the same ethnic origins, language, culture collide with the discordance of political. It is used easily by illegal man. intimidating the security of country and region.