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我们需要确认这一点。That's accessing an element of a list.

访问元素是区分大小写的。Accessing the elements is case-sensitive.

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或者你更喜欢通过网络浏览维基百科?Or do you prefer accessing Wikipedia via the web?

访问混音器出错。请检查您的设置。Error accessing mixer. Please check your settings.

有很多方法来方问你需要的信息。There are better ways of accessing your information.

这对于访问结构中的成员是非常有用的。This is very useful for accessing members of a struct.

这是访问内存已经被释放。That is accessing memory that has already been deallocated.

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通过创建和回收副本实现数据访问优化。Making and reclaiming duplications optimizes data accessing.

当访问对象时,它引入了一个间接的层。It introduces a level of indirection when accessing an object.

所具有的访问权限类型取决于正在访问的内容。The type of access you have depends upon what you are accessing.

声明和访问静态方法的语法与此相似。The syntax for declaring and accessing static methods is similar.

能够与EPDM数据无缝集成很重要。To have an ability to seamlessly accessing EPDM data is important.

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该枚举指定何时忽略对项执行的安全检查。Security checks are not performed when accessing subkeys or values.

会话数据可用于大大简化信息的访问。Session data can be used to greatly simplify accessing information.

一旦你有你的子项进行访问,你需要关闭它。Once you have done with accessing your subkey, you need to close it.

如果存取文件有不论什么问题请和我联系。Shall you have any probl accessing the folders, please let me knows.

有些人可能不希望让用户在访问内容的同时进行保存。Some may not want you to save the content while you are accessing it.

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检查程序是否正在访问该表并从中检索姓名。Check that the program is accessing the table and retrieving the name.

如果你有好的密码,就可以阻止别人侵入你的邮箱。A good password prevents other people from accessing your email accout.

访问天然气丰富的天王星需要核动力,无论如何。Accessing the gas riches of Uranus will require nuclear power, however.