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创建和探索。Create and Explore.

探索新领域。Explore new territory.

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他们互相探索着。They explore each other.

向西或到什么别的地方去勘探。Explore westward or wherever.

一个创造和探索的地方。A place to create and explore.

在头脑中探索这个目标。Explore the goal in your mind.

探路者七百个魔玉。Explore the way 700 evil jades.

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但我们先把欧胡岛玩遍了再说。But let's explore all of Oahu first.

我们将在下面探究该问题。We will explore this question below.

对它的词义构合关系进行归类探源。Classify them and explore the source.

真正探索自己的创造能力。and really explore my own creativity.

奥迪赛想要查看这座岛。Odysseus wanted to explore the island.

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他们有很多需要探索和学习的东西。There is so much to explore and learn.

在他的房间里,他可以控索整个世界。From his room, he can explore the world.

让我们解释这个名词的意义。Let us explore the meaning of this term.

一天,他俩结伴去森林探险。One day, they explore a forest together.

你可以在这里探索这幅最大的照片You can explore the humongous photo here

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我还想去西海岸探险。and I wanted to explore the West Coasts.

这个月将介绍这些附加内容。This month, I'll explore these additions.

没有训导员犬在身边,犬是否会探索?Will the dog explore without its handler?