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他试图囚禁追随者。He sought to imprison the followers.

他们通常不监禁初次犯罪的人。They don't imprison first-time offenders.

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罗勃特因偷盗被判三年监禁。Robert was sentenced to imprison for three years.

之后,要求释放被关押学生的呼声越来越高,穆罕默德的信徒和其支持者也越来越多。Support for the students and imprison Mohammed’s growing.

你可以禁锢我的身体,却束缚不了我的心灵。You may imprison my body, actually could not fetter my mind.

你可以禁锢我的身体,却束缚不了我的灵魂。You may imprison my body, actually could not fetter my soul.

首先,他要变卖一切捆缚他心灵的财物。First, the man should sell the possessions that imprison him.

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别用过滤器、薄纱袋、或是其他装置把茶叶禁锢起来。No strainers, muslin bags or other devices to imprison the tea.

他们继续将数百名异议人士和反对党成员关押在狱中。It continues to imprison hundreds of dissidents and opposition members.

过于懦弱监禁他,让他加入俄狄浦斯的Argive军队。Being too cowardly to imprison him, Oedipus let him join the Argive army.

没有一寸土地是你的,每一寸土地都是可以囚禁你的。Each inch of land does not belong to you, but they can imprison you easily.

你要是不去吧,欧明元还在监狱里住着那。If you don't work, remove dollar in Europe is still alive in imprison that.

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在机床上,阀座密封环逐渐起波纹,并将O形环束缚在里面。Seat ring is progressively crimped on a lathe to imprison the O-ring in it.

没有一寸土地是你的,每一寸土地都是可以囚禁你的。Not an inch of land belong to you, they can use every inch of land to imprison you.

我总是意犹未尽地想起你,这是最残酷也最温柔的囚禁吗?I think of you, always wanting more this is the most brutal and most gentle imprison?

我们的短处好像要把我们封藏在角落,又或者是如这个主题一样禁锢了我们。Our weaknesses tend to box us into a corner, or for the purpose of this topic IMPRISON us.

在这次战斗中,巴尔的一击粉碎了用来囚禁他的神圣的灵魂之石。During the fight, one of Baal's attacks shattered the sacred Soulstone that was supposed to imprison him.

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信任意味着打破限制、摧毁那种禁锢一个不平静心灵的枷锁。Confidence implies a break—through from reserve, the bursting of the bonds which imprison an unquiet heart.

宋元时期性禁锢强化的趋势对遏制阴丹术的传播,作用很有限。The tendency of Sex imprison during this period was limited in stopping the transmission of the famine alchemy.

四喜一变身,天贞很快现出了本来面目,王俊见状,急忙把她押入大牢。Four xi a transformation, the day the zhen soon reveal the true colors, wang junwork said, hastened to imprison her.