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可不能把这个顺序搞反了。We can never disrupt this order.

他先派了一个小魔鬼去扰乱一个农夫。He first sent a little devil to disrupt a farmer.

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大雾和清雪造成陕西交通中断,航班延误。Heavy fog, snow disrupt traffic in northwest China.

因此,共和党的计划是拖延并阻扰改革的进行。So the Republican plan is to delay and disrupt reform.

我们希望找到并破坏这些犯罪网络。What we want to do is find and disrupt these networks.

而某个女性朋友可能会打乱你一天的生活。One of your female friends may try to disrupt your day.

塔利班扬言要扰乱星期四的选举。The Taliban are vowing to disrupt Thursday's balloting.

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不要让闪烁的图标和弹出的窗口打断你的工作流程。Don't let blinking icons and pop-ups disrupt your work flow.

敌人相分裂我们的国家但最后失败了。The enemy tried to disrupt our country but failed in the edn.

其他严重扰乱市场秩序的非法经营行为。other illegal operations that seriously disrupt market order.

无论太饱或者太饿都会干扰睡眠。Going to bed either hungry or too full can disrupt your sleep.

于是用高分贝噪声干扰他们的睡眠。it took higher-decibel sounds to disrupt their sleep patterns.

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频繁地更换“行政院长”也破坏了“立法院”的工作。Frequent changes of prime minister also disrupt legislative work.

他是一位节奏型选手而我们就是要打乱他的节奏。He's a rhythm post player and we just wanted to disrupt that rhythm.

小肠吻合可能破裂并产生瘘管和腹膜炎。Enteric anastomoses may disrupt and produce a fistula and peritonitis.

丝虫成虫寄生在患者淋巴系统,破坏人体的免疫功能。Adult worms lodge in the lymphatic system and disrupt the immune system.

如果转座子插入到基因之中,就会扰乱基因的功能。And if they insert in the middle of the gene, they disrupt its function.

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中国可能还不会酝酿导致经济崩溃的内部剧变。China may yet undergo internal upheavals that could disrupt its economy.

据联合国所指出的,它将破坏680,000巴勒斯坦人的生活。It will, according to the UN, disrupt the lives of 680,000 Palestinians.

他们若诉请破产,则汽车产业各个层面都会受到冲击.A bankruptcy filing would disrupt every aspect of the automaking industry.