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院子里一片吵闹声。A hubbub was heard in the courtyard.

中国数字地图市场已经是一片喧哗。China's digital map market is a hubbub.

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步行街人头攒动,声音嘈杂。我跟朋友被挤散了。I lost my friend in the hubbub of the crowded mall.

在过去的一周,进行了一场关于抗生素的嘈杂的讨论。There's been a big hubbub this past week about antibiotics.

在最初宣传中,一位制片人和我联系。During the initial hubbub of publicity, a producer contacted me.

芳华如水,一波一波的柔情,沦陷在一片喧哗中。Fanghua water, the waves of tenderness, in a hubbub in the fall.

喧闹的声音越来越响,空气也开始了舞动。Hubbub of voices getting louder and louder, the air began to dance.

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广袖流云,琴曲指尖凝,清水芙蕖脱尘嚣。Spread cloud, QinQu fingertip condensate, water are off the hubbub.

运动过程中请勿大声喧哗,嬉戏、打闹。During physical exercise, please keep quiet, no hubbub and playing are allowed.

我正在城楼上观山景,忽然听见城下乱纷纷。Seeing the mountain scenery from the city gate tower, I suddenly heard a hubbub in the city.

调制解调器的尖叫声,盖过了模糊的说话声和灌茶壶的喧闹声。Above the hubbub of flat vowels and teapots being filled, came the high-pitched scream of a modem.

卡罗琳娜•海莱拉很赞赏米德尔顿,认为她没有迷失于婚前混乱声中而忘记自己的风格。Carolina Herrera praised Ms. Middleton for not forgetting her own style amid the prewedding hubbub.

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他们去那里逃避所有的喧哗,躲避战乱。They went there to have a nice, you know, retreat from all the hubbub of the capital city of Cuzco.

在打赌者、投机者、密报者以及出售赛马情报者们的喧嚣声中我们无法听到开始的宣告。We couldn't hear the starting announcement above the hubbub of bettors, speculators, tipsters, and touts.

在打赌者、投机者、密报者以及出售赛马情报者们的喧嚣声中我们无法听到开始的宣告。We couldn´t hear the starting announcement above the hubbub of bettors, speculators, tipsters , and touts.

山里的空气清新,能让生活在繁忙都会的城市人洗净城市尘嚣,让人感觉心旷神怡。The air in the mountain is so fresh that can make the busy citizens be far away from the hubbub and feel way above par.

山里的空气清新,能让生活在繁忙都会的城市人洗净城市尘嚣,让人感觉心旷神怡。The air in the mountain is so fresh that can make the busy citizens be far away from the hubbub and feel way above par.

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让我对这场闹剧感到好笑的是,萨拉所做的和我们传统意义上的性工作是何其的相似。What's amusing to me about all the hubbub is just how similar what she's doing is to what we traditionally label as sex work.

门口的人群一阵骚动。“这女人伤心得疯了,”某人从外面叫喊着说。There was a hubbub from the crowd outside the garden gate. "This woman's gone crazy with grief, " someone yelled from outside.

伙计们,这家伙有轻度自闭症,读取时髦的、他父母给他的伪科学书籍,无中生有,哗众取宠…Folks, the guy has mild autism and reads funky pseudo-science books given to him by his parents. This is a lot of hubbub over nothing.