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对了,你的丝瓜沐浴手套是在哪儿买的?Oh, by the way, where did you get that loofah mitt?

你认为米特和萨拉佩林能征募到那些人的钱么?Do you think Mitt or Sarah can raise that kind of money.

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对所有人来说都有必要拾起手套,加入这场博弈。For all that is necessary is to pick up a mitt and get in the game.

麦凯恩赢得了前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼的支持。McCain won the endorsement of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.

首当其冲,有着雄厚资金实力与政治阅历的便是米特罗姆尼了。Standing at the head of this queue, flush with cash and experience, is Mitt Romney.

其他共和党候选人,特别是米特·罗姆尼,正密切关注着洪博培。Other Republican candidates, particularly Mitt Romney, are closely watching Mr.Huntsman.

另外一个有可能参加2012年大选的是原麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼。Another expected entrant into the 2012 race is former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

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他的右手上套着龙虾钢的护手,左边则是露指的锈铠。On his right hand was a gauntlet of lobstered steel, on his left a fingerless mitt of rusted mail.

这些竞选人中包括目前处于领先地位的前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼。The campaign is currently leading the people, including former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

事实上,这个法案与密特·罗姆尼仅仅几年前在麻萨诸塞州引入的计划非常相近。In fact, it's very similar to the plan Mitt Romney introduced in Massachusetts just a few years ago.

查尔斯的愿景是为用“的温暖,一个经常使用的第一垒手的手套接受看”的椅子上。Charles's vision was for a chair with "the warm, receptive look of a well-used first baseman's mitt".

从米特·罗姆尼,纽特·金里奇,丹尼尔斯一遍又一遍的提到“创新”。Listen to Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich or Mitch Daniels and the word innovation pops up again and again.

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实际上,此人就是2003年的米特·罗姆尼,就是这位政客现在却要求我们更多使用煤炭。Actually, that was Mitt Romney, back in 2003 — the same politician who now demands that we use more coal.

它的表面使用坚固的腈纶制成,内部面向穿戴者处衬以较为柔软的聚碳酸酯缓冲保护层。It's made of a hardened acrylic on top of a softer polycarbonate "catcher's mitt" layer facing the wearer.

前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼和前阿肯色州长哈克比也将在佛罗里达参加竞选。Former governors Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Mike Huckabee of Arkansas are also in contention in Florida.

在生活中我们最好要保护好自己不被灼伤,这款吃豆人造型的隔热手套就能很好的在高温的环境中保护你。In the game of life, it is best not to get burned. Pac-Man oven mitt will help you get out of heated situations.

但是州长米特·罗姆尼援引1913年的法律指示市政办事员,不要给外州的伴侣们登记。But Gov. Mitt Romney directed municipal clerks not to give licenses to out-of-state couples, citing the 1913 law.

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他的一个主要的共和党竞争对手,前马萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼正准备公布他的一个计划。One of his main Republican rivals, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, is also getting ready to unveil a plan.

美国共和党白宫竞选人米特·罗姆尼在密歇根州和亚利桑那州的总统预选中获双胜。US Republican White House contender Mitt Romney has pulled off a double win in the Michigan and Arizona primaries.

上面也有一些消闲照片,其中之一是他穿着棒球服正在用捕手手套抓向棒球。It also has photos from playful times, like ones of him wearing a baseball uniform and catching a ball with a mitt.