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杰力特是一个爱情杀手。Janet is a knockout.

她是相当地才貌双全。She was a total knockout.

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你知道你是个绝色美女。You know, you re a knockout.

你知道,你是个绝色美女。You know, you are a knockout.

她穿那套红色的连衣裙很打眼。She is a knockout in that red dress.

它已取得了决定性的胜利,打倒了令牌环网。It has scored a knockout win over token ring.

在这个游戏中你需要敲除所有其他选手。In this game you need to knockout all the other players.

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基因敲除技术是研究基因功能的常用方法。Gene knockout mice are often used to study genic functions.

GJB2基因敲除小鼠在胚胎期致死。GJB2 gene knockout mice led to death during embryonic period.

它能用于猛烈的连打的脚法或者有效的击倒性打击。It can be used either as a jab or an effective knockout strike.

奥运会网球赛采用的是淘汰制,输一轮就彻底被淘汰。Olympic tennis is a knockout competition-one loss and you're out.

有人说他不把对手击倒在地就不会满足。Some say that he won’t be contented unless he wins by a knockout.

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这个是淘汰制的联赛,所有职业俱乐部都会参加。which is a knockout tournament which involves all professional clubs

另外,该基因敲除小鼠可以作为研究躁狂症的模型。In addition, the knockout mice might be useful as models to study mania.

许多淘汰赛阶段比赛也由点球决定。Many matches in the knockout stages also have been decided in shootouts.

葡萄牙在法兰克福以2比0轻松击败伊朗后,成功晋级十六强。Portugal qualified for the knockout stage after easing past Iran 2-0 in Frankfurt.

曾有人建议把乐福解放出来去击倒对手。他并不介意这样的特色安排。It has been suggested Love is being saved to be unleashed on foes in the knockout round.

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明天的比赛是一场决胜负,我们所要做的就是晋级下一轮。It is one game and knockout straight away so we have to go there just thinking to qualify.

MrgB4受体专一表现于感觉神经元,且在ASIC3基因剔除小鼠中有不同的表现。Expression of a sensory neuron-specific receptor, mrgB4, is changed in ASIC3 knockout mice.

支获资格参加的球队,均来自2010年-11年香港甲组足球联赛。It is a knockout competition for all the teams of the 2010–11 Hong Kong First Division League.