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我用怀疑的目光地看着他。I looked at him skeptically.

我怀疑地听着广播。I had listened skeptically to the broadcast.

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但是,许多人怀疑可能仍然遵循它。But many of them may still skeptically follow it.

“有些俗艳,”一位潜在买家戴夫·克尔评论道,他以怀疑的眼神细细打量着拍品。“Kind of gaudy,” said Dave Kerr, a prospective buyer looking skeptically over the lot.

目前的老使馆是建筑师沙利南一栋具有历史意义的现代建筑作品,但仍遭论者批评。The present embassy, a Modernist landmark by Eero Saarinen, is still regarded skeptically by critics.

最初中国体育界和教育界人士曾对此表示怀疑,但现在它已在中国广为普及。Initially viewed skeptically by sporting and educational officials in China, it is now spreading widely.

或许恰缘于此,至少有一位人工智能社群的人士持怀疑的眼光看待他。Perhaps because of this, at least one person in the artificial intelligence community views him skeptically.

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但目前,投资者对那些苦苦挣扎以求盈利的企业帐下的递延税项资产感到怀疑。But currently investors view them skeptically at those companies that may struggle to make profits in the future.

凡是走来出现临床效果,同时保持价格低廉被视为持怀疑态度,在最好的。Anything that comes along that appears clinically effective while remaining inexpensive is viewed skeptically , at best.

总的说来,与19世纪80年代以前相比,人们在这个时期带着更加怀疑的眼光看待国际主义。It was a period when internationalism generally had been viewed much more skeptically than it had been before the 1980s," he said.

就算我的看法不对,用怀疑和批判的眼光来分析这个问题,来考虑如何抵制它,也不会有任何害处。If I am wrong, we will have done no harm to look at the issue skeptically and critically, to consider how we should be resisting it.

而且它必须让他们能够有效地、怀疑地根据过去的经验评估未来的军事和政治事件。And it must equip them to effectively and skeptically evaluate future military and political issues in the context of past experience.

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克里斯托尔快乐、耐心而务实地追求这一目标,他既勇敢和忠诚,也怀疑和超脱。Kristol pursued this task by being cheerful, patient and realistic — by being at once courageously committed and skeptically detached.

或许恰缘于此,至少有一位人工智能社群人工智能头衔博士的人士持怀疑的眼光看待他。Perhaps because of this, at least one person in the artificial artifici sociolog program intelligence community views him skeptically.

麦凯格向乔治卢卡斯暗示,他们设计了一条内部装有“灯笼”的裙子,虽然卢卡斯对此表示怀疑,不过他还是允许试试这件衣服。McCaig suggested to George Lucas that they design a dress with 'lanterns' in it, and while Lucas responded skeptically , he allowed the dress to be attempted.

我心怀疑虑地看着他用一张被特殊溶液浸湿的图画纸把一只锡罐包起来,然后将锡罐与电池的正极连接好。I watched skeptically as he wrapped a tin can with a piece of drawing paper dampened with a special liquid, then linked the can to the positive pole of a battery.

去年那次会议,总经理米奇-库普切克备受怀疑,而那时湖人也正在艰难的常规赛中挣扎着。然而,今时不同往日了。Much has changed since last year's meeting in which General Manager Mitch Kupchak was viewed skeptically while the Lakers struggled through a difficult regular season.

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就算我的看法不对,用怀疑和批判的眼光来分析这个问题,来考虑如何抵制它,也不会有任何害处。If I am wrong, we will have done no harm to look at the issue skeptically and critically, to consider how we should be resisting it. I hope you will join with me in doing so

RHJ对欧宝的收购要约则对欧洲政府援助的要求很少,并获得一些通用汽车官员的支持,但柏林和欧宝劳工部门高层却持怀疑态度.RHJ's offer for Opel seeks less European state aid and has won favorable comments from some GM officials, but is viewed skeptically in Berlin and by Opel's top labor leaders.

核能比天然气的污染少,但是成本太高,而且因为放射性废物处置存在的高度危险性而被美国上下置疑。Nuclear energy is less polluting than gas from a climate-changing perspective, but it is costly and viewed skeptically in the United States because of the dangers of disposing of radioactive waste.