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法庭会宣判他无罪释放吗?Will the court acquit him of the crime?

我原谅爱德华的所有根本过错。I acquit Edward of all essential misconduct.

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他们总是很好地履行自己的职责。They always acquit themselves of their duty very well.

因为你要照你的话被称为义,或定为有罪。The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.

如果陪审团的12位成员都是吉他手,他们会放了你。A jury might acquit you if all 12 of them are guitarists.

法官指示陪审团裁定所有被告无罪。The judge directed the jury to acquit all the defendants.

她受到电台采访,但表现得很差劲。She is interviewed on the radio but acquit herself rather badly.

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“实在是太难了,”那位陪审员说,“所有人都想判他无罪释放啊。”"Sure did, " the juror replied, "all the others wanted to acquit him. "

我若犯罪,你就察看我,并不赦免我的罪孽。If I sin, then thou markest me, and thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquity.

那些受贿释放罪人,夺取义人权利的人!To those who acquit the guilty for bribes, and deprive the just man of his rights!

不可杀无辜和正义的人,因为我决不以恶人为义人。The innocent and the just you shall not put to death, nor shall you acquit the guilty.

而在认识论中,这种二元对立又进一步表现为主动性与被动性之间、感觉与知觉之间的对立与分裂。In cognition this kind of split acquit more as antimony between go-aheadism and passivism, feel and aesthesia.

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四年后警方逮捕了一名嫌疑人,但陪审团因意见不一而陷于僵持,有十人认为应该对该嫌犯无罪开释,另有两人意见相左。Police arrested a suspect four years later, but the man's trial ended in a hung jury, split 10-2 to acquit the man.

为使你方熟悉我公司经营的全部产品,现随信寄出产品目录一份供参考。To acquit you with the complete product lines we handle, we are attaching a catalog to this letter for your reference.

其实是,陪审团的成员们立刻就投了票,要将他无罪释放,但为了做做样子,只好在议事室里呆了一个多小时。It turned out they voted to acquit right away, then stayed in the jury room more than an hour longer just to make it look right.

当然,凯尔特人队已经不止一次展示了他们自己的实力,就像他们的球迷那天,帮助他们很多。Indeed, Celtic have shown more than once they are able to acquit themselves very well, just as their fans who always help them a lot.

所以如果你和你的同僚无罪释放的话,你们还准备再重做一次吗?你们还会让日本继续发动侵略,发动更多的战争吗?So if you and your colleagues were acquit you will go right back up and do it again? You will lunch more invasions and start more wars?

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婚礼后接待来客,什么时候都是件尴尬的事情,新郎必须很有雅量才能应付过去。It was an awkward ceremony at any time to be receiving wedding visits, and a man had need be all grace to acquit himself well through it.

现在是要过土改一关,我希望我们大家都和过战争关一样也过得很好。Now it is the test of agrarian reform that we have to pass, and I hope we shall acquit ourselves just as well as we did in the test of war.

本研究主要设计概念是以阿美族服饰配件上的图纹,加以创作设计在作品上,以表现出不同的风格。The main design conception of this study is using the totem of Amis 's cloth and accessory to create arts, in order to acquit different styles.