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第二部分,不法侵害的限定。Chapter 2 researches the delimitation of the illegal infringement.

该方法还有处理边值定界问题十分方便等特点,易于编程。The method is conventional in treating boundary value and delimitation and easy in programming.

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它可以将信息透明地子网上进行传递,它可由子网边界定界。It can be information transparent transfer of the Internet, it may be subnet border delimitation.

最后对该系统在土地勘测定界中的应用前景进行了展望。Finally has carried on the forecast to this system in land survey delimitation application prospect.

因此,具有较高基因流水平的遗传标记更适合物种界定。Hence, species delimitation should be more effective with markers experiencing high levels of gene flow.

中国和菲律宾在南海争端问题上的焦点是领土和海洋边界。The South China Sea disputes between China and the Philippines are over territorial and maritime delimitation.

弗朗索瓦雷卡纳蒂提供了“语境论的贡献,对语义,语用学的最好的定义目前的辩论”原辩护。This is a provocative contribution to the current debate about the best delimitation of semantics and pragmatics.

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据报道,日本政府准备暂时搁置东海海域划界问题,你对此有何评价?It is reported that the Japanese government is ready to shelve the delimitation at the East China Sea. What's your comment?

当选择遗传标记用来界定物种时,不仅要考虑到突变率等因素,而且要考虑基因流的影响。It's necessary to consider not only mutation rate but the effect of gene flow when selecting markers for species delimitation.

东海大陆架划界争议已严重影响中日关系的健康发展,必须认真对待。The dispute of the delimitation of the continental shelf at the East Sea has damaged the relationship between China and Japan.

目的研究湖北地区鼠形动物的地理区划。Objective To study the delimitation of boundaries of zoogeographical regions on the rat-shaped zoology fauna of Hubei province.

第一部门说明了研讨题目的背景,归顾了相关研讨状况,对本研讨的相关概念入行界定,并说明了本研讨的方式、内容和立异点。In the first part, background information and literary review are given with a clear delimitation of relevant terms in this field.

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这与属的划分关系不大,而在科的划分上观点是相当一致的。Much less is connected with the separation of generation, and there is considerable uniformity of opinion as to the delimitation of families.

在南海,岛屿主权争端与海域划界争端交织在一起,错综复杂。In the South China Sea, the coexitence of the disputes of the sovereignty of islands and the sea boder delimitation makes it very complicated.

国际法院判决表明中间线划界非大陆架划界原则,而是一种划界方法。The decisions of ICJ tell that the principle of medium line is not a principle of delimitation in this fields and it is only a kind of method.

2004年以来,我国和日本围绕着“东海划界问题”进行了一系列双边外交谈判。The delimitation in China East Sea is becoming a hot topic again . In 2004, China and Japan hold a series of bilateral negotiation on this issue.

中国在南沙群岛海域与邻国存在领土主权争议,使得其中的海洋划界争议更加错综复杂。China and neighboring states have disputes on the sovereignty of Nansha Islands, which makes maritime boundary delimitation in that area more complicated.

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本文利用DNA测序技术对云杉属的三种云杉进行了谱系地理学和物种界定的研究。Here, we use sequence data from three cpDNA fragments and two mtDNA fragments to study the phylogeography and species delimitation of three Picea species.

本文讨论了海洋划界应遵循的原则,公平原则所需考虑的因素及其在北部湾中的体现。This paper discusses the principles conformed by Delimitation of Maritime Boundary in the Beibu Gulf and the factors considered by the principle of equity.

同时还提出孟子的人性论思想在关于人性界定中存有片面性,逻辑论证中缺乏现实内容基础等局限。And Mencius's theory of human nature has limitations in the delimitation of human nature, and is short of the basis of real content in the logical argument.