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那些反对或支持转基因作物的人本身就造成了一种无益的观念。Those who oppose or support GM crops per se make an unhelpful generalisation.

那只是一种大概的说法,因为早在1900年,还是无声电影时代时就有特技了。That is a generalisation , as there have been effects since the silents in 1900.

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这件事很难说,我当然也意识到这是一个广泛的现象。This is a hard thing to say and I am of course aware that this, too, is a generalisation.

我们现在还没十分懂得支配我们社会生活的那些规律,所以还不能构成很明白的一般概念。The laws governing our social life are not so clearly understood as to permit of a clear generalisation.

这样的话,这种生产方式的推广会在民间受到很大的阻力。Incase a generalisation of this suggested mode of production would be met with strong popular resistance.

尽管如此,我们还是可以知道,随着人们年龄增加,对工作满意度也在上升中。One generalisation we can make, though, is that people get more satisfied with their jobs as they get older.

这样的话,这种生产方式的推广会在民间受到很大的阻力。In that case, a generalisation of this suggested mode of production would be met with strong popular resistance.

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猩猩能够做很多我们认为只有我们才能做的事——像制造工具、抽象和归纳。Chimps can do all sorts of things we thought that only we could do – like tool-making and abstraction and generalisation.

许多自称白人的网友表示,他们觉得这份菜单很“搞笑”,但也有人认为这将为不公平不真实的以偏概全推波助澜。Many people who say they are white found the menu 'funny, ' while others said it is just fuelling an unfair and untrue generalisation.

然而,尽管我们的观察支持这一概括,我们并不能确信它适用于所有处女座的人,仅适用于我们观察到的人们。However, although our observations may back up this generalisation we cannot be sure that it applies to all Virgo's, only those we have observed.

我知道那是一种普遍化,不过我真的相信婚姻对英国人和大部份的欧洲人来说,没有比美国人看得那么重要,而调查出来的数据是支持那个观点的。I know it's a generalisation , but I really believe that marriage is not as important for the British and most Europeans as it is for Americans, and the statistics support that view.

最后,通过模拟计算分析,进一步说明了该网络具备特有的优良性,从本质上讲,随机小波神经网络是小波神经网络的推广。Finally, we demonstrate the networks have special advantages by simulations, stochastic wavelet neural networks can be considered as a generalisation of wavelet neural networks in essence.

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我们没有正视现实,我们当中的大多数人——我在这也包括了很多主流环保运动——仍局限于把未来看成是现在的一个升级版本。Instead, most of us – and I include in this generalisation much of the mainstream environmental movement – are still wedded to a vision of the future as an upgraded version of the present.

概括一件事通常歪曲事实,所以,我们也要注意,不要认为所有世俗的人文主义者都不喜欢所有的宗教。The problem with any generalisation is that it generally misrepresents. That said, we should also be mindful not to generalise all secular humanists to be equally intolerant of all religions.