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这对夫妇关系已经破裂。The couple have split.

啊哈,把它分成两半。Ah ha, split it in half.

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那块板被劈成了两半。The board split in half.

他们把箱子砸开了。They split the box open.

我们分开付帐好吗?Shall we split the check?

强风把帆扯破。The gale split the sails.

我可以拆分不定式吗?Can I split an infinitive?

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他就飞快地往家跑。He ran home lickety split.

我可以看每公里的数据。I can see each mile split.

我的大脑被一分为二。My brain gets split apart.

那一日。他和他决裂。They split up on that day.

咱们离开这个夜总会吧。Let's split the night club.

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该问题于党分裂。This issue split the party.

大卫劈一堆柴火。David split a stack of logs.

非薄分裂的唯一标志。Non-marking thin split sole.

劈开竹筒,就可以吃饭了!Split bamboo, you can lunch!

他是被他的朋友出卖的。He was split on by his friend.

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把不定式分开是否恰当?Is it OK to split infinitives?

它后面的消音器已有一条裂缝。It had a split in the muffler.

谁告诉你我们已经离婚了?Who told you we have split up?