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简而言之,我们需要彻底改造马桶。In short, we need to reinvent the toilet.

我愿尽力彻底改造自己的生活。I will try my best to reinvent my own life.

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他们掌握语言,只是为了重新创造它。They are mastering language only to reinvent it.

总而言之呢,”我们需要重新发明便桶。New ideas. In short, we need to reinvent the toilet.

把这想成是再造自我的一个机会。Think of this as an opportunity to reinvent yourself.

不要重新发明轮子,但要有创意和革新。Do not reinvent the wheel but be creative and inovative.

现在她正努力朝活动策划人的方向发展。Now, she is trying to reinvent herself as an events planner.

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然后人们会想要再重新创作。And then people kept thinking they had to reinvent the medium.

我们希望能够实现,不断的自我突破。So what we wanna do is we wanna consistently reinvent ourselves.

据我们所知,BumpTop正试图从它的内核里彻底改造桌面。BumpTop, at its core, is trying to reinvent the desktop as we know it.

如果不创新和自我改造,你将会被淘汰。If you don’t innovate and reinvent yourself, you will become obsolete.

2009年,eBay需要做的是,通过相关的并购来革新自己。What eBay needs to do is reinvent itself through relevant acquistions.

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马库拉回答说这样的公司知道如何不断重新塑造自己。Markkula replied that lasting companies know how to reinvent themselves.

既然这一切的代价已经十分了然,我们需要的一切都得重新发明才行。Now that those costs are clear, we need to reinvent just about everything.

人们成长,重塑自身,搬迁到新的城市,寻找新的知交。People grow, reinvent themselves, move to new cities and find new interests.

淘金热的时候,人们来到这里试着开始新的生活。People came out here to try and reinvent themselves with the Gold Rush even.

第三步是学会如何用积极的回忆来再创造自己。The third step is learning how to use positive memories to reinvent yourself.

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国营电视台必须尽快变革以应对新的方针。TVE will have to work fast to reinvent itself in response to the new guidelines.

我们无须彻底改变自己,只是在我们到达巅峰时不要忘了我们是谁。We need not reinvent ourselves, but only remember who we are when we are at our best.

人们会说这是陈词滥调了,咱们别在这白费口舌了,咱们还得从头说起。It's a cliche--People say, let's not reinvent the wheel here, so let's go back to that.