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它是一个开放性的平台,可扩展的设计。It's an open-platform, extensible design.

非常简单且条理清楚的可扩展格式。A clean, extensible format that's very simple.

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一位法国工程师建造的加长的顶篷车。Extensible caravan, built by a French engineer.

可插拔的查询处理器和可扩展的XML数据格式Pluggable query handlers and extensible XML data format

它们可以很容易实现一个扩展的文件格式。They make it easy to provide an extensible file format.

COOL是通过可扩展的空间XML命名并基于模块化RDF存储。COOL is extensible via XML-namespace and RDF based modularization.

还可以将这些规则扩展到可用的标准集之外。These rules are also extensible beyond the available standard set.

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为语义中介内置分类法和可扩展本体论。Built in taxonomy and an extensible ontology for semantic mediation.

支持基本的匹配器以及创建新匹配器的扩展APISupport for basic matchers and extensible API for creating new matchers

可扩展的超炫透明屏幕带给您不一样的视觉享受。Extensible cool transparent screen bring you different visual enjoyment.

IAEP定义了一种可靠的、安全的和可扩充的联动交换协议。IAEP defines a reliable, safe and extensible interaction exchange protocol.

确实,您需要构建灵活的可扩展的软件,但您可能相去甚远。True, you want to build flexible, extensible software, but you can go too far.

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通过确保架构的可扩展性,这些日志支持渐进式系统。They support an evolving system by ensuring that the architecture is extensible.

针对严格的面向对象编程来说,Yii是非常容易使用、灵活且可扩展的框架。Written in strict OOP, Yii is easy to use and is extremely flexible and extensible.

因此,对于大变形量土工织物之特殊力学行为仅能以间接方法加以推测。In this paper, a new technique for measuring extensible geotextiles by strain gages was used.

文中还提出井场计算机系统可进一步扩展的应用功能。The paper also gives the further extensible application function of well site computer system.

另外该语言具有扩展性,并提供了和其它语言的充分的互操作能力。Additionally, the language is extensible and offers full interoperability with other languages.

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研究了混合后小麦粉的粉质、拉伸、糊化及烘焙特性。The farinaceous extensible gelatinous and baking features of the mixed wheat flour were studied.

一个能跨多种硬件与设备,而且具备可伸缩性和可扩展性的运行时架构。A scalable, extensible runtime architecture that can span a wide variety of hardware and devices.

该设计也是可扩展的,因为它能够支持当前系统尚未实现的类型。The design is also extensible because it can serve types not yet implemented by the current system.