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我的表总停。My watch keeps stopping.

他说个不停。He talks without stopping.

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但是这些并不会阻止我。But that’s not stopping me.

我寻思着,没停下脚步。I thought, without stopping.

你现在是暂住在你姑姑家吗?Are you stopping with your aunt?

下一站是什么地方?What is the next stopping place?

他们一步不停地走了夙昔。They walked past without stopping.

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谢谢你停下来。请到室中市心。How're you doing? Thanks for stopping.

但是你可以随时打断我Your stopping me at any time is just fine.

你要宿营你就去我是不会停下来的…You may camp if you want. I'm not stopping.

我们日夜不停的旅行。We travelled day and night without stopping.

他在发烧时不停地胡言乱语。During his fever he babbled without stopping.

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他匆忙从我身旁经过,连话也没有停下来说一句。He hurried past me without stopping to speak.

拍打在礁石上浪涛声催人入梦。The stopping surf on the reef is mesmerizing.

在阻止犯罪方面没有效果的法律。Laws that are inefficacious in stopping crime.

他们日夜兼程地旅行。They travelled day and night without stopping.

她从这儿经过时没有一次不停下来问候一番。She never passes without stopping to say hello.

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布奇在一个窗口前驻足,看了一下窗户。BUTCH, stopping by a window, giving it a glance.

我不会停止玩,除了吃或睡。I played endless, only stopping to eat or sleep.

时雨时晴,几天几夜不停。Rain or shine, days and nights without stopping.