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肝素为首选的治疗剂。Heparin is the treatment of choice.

肝素可以从猪肠中提取而来。Heparin is derived from pig intestines.

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使用肝素是背水一战了。Heparin was a desperate toss of the dice.

只有苯妥英、茶碱和肝素是例外。Exceptions include phenytoin, theophylline, and heparin.

肝素为最广泛应用及最可靠的抗凝剂。Heparin is the most widely used and reliable anticoagulant.

在有不良反应的患者所使用的肝素中也发现了此种物质。The contaminant has been found in heparin taken by people who had reactions.

抗X因子活性是可接受的检测肝素治疗的替代方法。Anti-Xa activity is an acceptable alternate method to monitor heparin therapy.

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肝素具抗凝血及抗脂血活性,是治疗冠状动脉疾病用药。Heparin was recommended in treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome.

如果柯瑟琳的诊断是错误的,那么肝素将会让出血状况更加恶化。If Catherine's diagnosis was wrong, the heparin would make the bleeding worse.

应用低分子肝素抗凝治疗有效。It is efficient when treated with heparin to prevent the hypercoagulable state.

目的探讨肝素对内皮细胞黏附功能的影响。Objective To explore the anti-adhesion effects of heparin on endothelial cells.

目的探讨肝素抗凝血浆用于急诊生化检验的可行性。Conclusion Heparin plasma is suitable for testing the above eight emergency bio.

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方法用肝素和不用肝素对活化的HSC进行处理。Methods Activated HSC was treated by heparin or fetal calf serum without heparin.

第五、在使用肝素生理盐水洗涤管路的时候,要同时把管路里的空气排掉。Fifth, the use of heparin saline wash pipe when the pipe to the air while the drain.

方法下肺离体后置于肝素溶液中,15分钟后将下肺静脉吻合于上叶静脉残端。Method The "cut-down" lobe was immersed in heparin solution in vitro for 15 minutes.

此外转流期预防性应用小剂量肝素,并不影响转流后凝血功能。The small dose of heparin administration did not interfere with the blood coagulation.

2008年,在至少11个国家发现有来自12家中国公司生产的受污染的肝素钠。In 2008, contaminated heparin from 12 Chinese companies was found in at least 11 countries.

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您对华法林和肝素在整个围手术期阶段的应用有何建议?What is your advice on the use of warfarin and heparin throughout the periprocedural phase?

因此采用肝素抗凝血检测红细胞沉降率是可行的。So it is reliable to determine erythrocyte sedimentation rate through heparin anticoagulant.

仅靠术中肝素抗凝预防血栓栓塞并发症可能是不够的。It is of concern that intravenous heparin is insufficient to eliminate thromboembolic events.