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那妳可以尝试穿苏格兰裙啊!Then you can try Scottish kilts !

我们都知道苏格兰花格布。We all know about Scottish tartan.

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苏格兰的冠军庆祝胜利!Scottish cham ps celebrate victory!

根据母系的血缘,她是苏格兰的后裔。This is a kind of Scottish bagpipe.

穿我的格子裙,今晚是苏格兰之夜。My tartan skirt. It's scottish night.

马克白是苏格兰的名战将。Macbeth is a renowned Scottish warrior.

约翰是苏格兰人,我们其余的是威尔士人。John’s Scottish and the rest of us are Welsh.

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苏格兰式牧师住宅。晚上。戈登在书房。Scottish manse. Night. GORDON is in his study.

祖父说话带有很重的苏格兰土腔。Grandfather spoke with a thick Scottish brogue.

他是最伟大的苏格兰教士之一。He ranks with the greatest of Scottish churchmen.

苏格兰人还经常要求独立。And the Scottish are often asking for independence.

我意识到这是一支小夜曲——一支苏格兰小夜曲。I sensed this to be a serenade—a Scottish serenade.

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弗莱明是苏格兰生物学家,药学家。Fleming was a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist.

苏格兰教师在英格兰享有同等待遇。Scottish teachers want parity with those in England.

高地斧兵是来自苏格兰高地剽悍骁勇的战士。Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands.

英格兰西北部一自治市镇,邻苏格兰边界。A borough of northwest England near the Scottish border.

他的名字叫佛莱明,是个穷苦的苏格兰农夫。His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer.

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他在苏格兰的一个小村子几乎住了一辈子。He abided in a small Scottish village almost all his life.

或者,还有可能是苏格兰男人非常喜欢有臭味的女人。Either that, or Scottish men have a fetish for smelly women.

我的想法是受短期的苏格兰链接四杆洞。My thinking is influenced by short par 4s on Scottish links.