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因此,意向性还原性的指向了所有外在性的内在。Intentionality thus points reductively to the immanence of all exteriority.

这种动态效果与克服产权制度的外部性有关。This dynamic effect is related to tiding over exteriority of property system.

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将此书归属于某一主体作者,那是忽略了内容的形成,及其关系的外在性。To attribute the book to a subject is to overlook this working of matters, and the exteriority of their relations.

矿业外部性问题的研究对促进矿业经济持续健康发展具有十分重要的意义。It is significant to study the exteriority issue of mining industry for a sustainable development of mining economy.

环境资源具有公共财产属性,是由不特定多数社会公众所享有并委托政府来管理及维护的。The environment, as the public property, has remarkable exteriority in the market economy, so the regulatory role of the government is necessary.

建筑以及其他所有艺术,究其本质都是迎面并表达人类在时间与空间中的存在问题。Architecture is deeply engaged in the metaphysical questions of the self and the world, interiority and exteriority , time and duration, life and death.

在解决环境外部性的问题上,经济手段会比行政手段产生更大的利益激励机制和效率弹性。To solve the problem of environmental exteriority , economic measures will lead to a more incentive system and become more efficient than the administrative measures.

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人力资本最本质的规定性是其价值特性,人才资本的价值具有不确定性高、增值性强、专用性强、外部性强等特点。The most important prescription of Human Capital lies in its values, and Talent Capital has such features as high uncertainty, and strong increment, expertise and exteriority.

在特定自然和人文环境下交织在一起的具有不同外部性的物品及空间构成,对区域可持续发展往往起着重要支配作用。In the special nature and humanity environment, every different exteriority goods and their special structure has an important controllable function on regional sustainable development.

旅游业的外部性在民族地区旅游开发中表现出其特殊性,外部不经济性效应对当地的破坏作用更甚于普通旅游地。The exteriority of tourism presents its distinctiveness in developing tourism in national regions and the destruction of the exterior non-economic effect is worse than in other touring places.