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因此往往会过早地检查错误。Thus it tends to detect errors prematurely.

霍姆格伦非常小心,以免庆祝得过早了。Holmgren is careful not to celebrate prematurely.

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本逊它的确让你的腿过早衰老。It's a real good way to age your legs prematurely.

我的孙子加麦隆是早产儿,他提前六周来到人间。Our grandson Cameron was born 6 weeks prematurely.

影歌紫豹现在不会中途无缘无故消失了。Shadowsong Panther will no longer prematurely despawn.

另一种可能性是,你进行了仓促的授权。The other likelihood is that you delegated prematurely.

阳光中的紫外线可以分解葡萄酒,让葡萄酒提前熟化。The sun's UV rays can degrade and prematurely age wine.

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我的哭闹使我年龄不到就被送到东方学堂去了。My crying drove me prematurely into the Oriental Seminary.

是22个孩子中的第20个,一个虚弱的早产儿。She was the 20th of 22 children, prematurely born and frail.

这样就可能把胖的孩子也误诊为性早熟。That might lead obese kids to be prematurely termed pubertal.

有时火炎阵会消失得过早。When using Blaze Shield, sometimes it disappears prematurely.

这张友好甚至高贵的脸过早的有了白发。This friendly and even dignified face has prematurely white hair.

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在后来伦勃朗的肖像画中,被画的对象总显得未老先衰。In later portraits Rembrandt seems to age his sitters prematurely.

年龄大了,大部分人都处于亚健康状态,我自己也不例外。As we get older, most of us are in the state of sub-health prematurely.

帕奇科鲍威尔于1963年8月7日早产,两天后死去。Patrick Bouvier, born prematurely on August 7, 1963, died two days later.

我们都知道过多的日照和吸烟会让人过早的衰老。We all know that getting too much sun and smoking can age us prematurely.

男孩会变得太女性化,而女孩会变得早熟。Boys can become too feminized, and girls can prematurely develop sexually.

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戈林与希姆莱两人很快地发现,他们动手得太早了。Both Goering and Himmler had acted prematurely , as they quickly found out.

那以前,我们男生都不知道自己的皮肤已经过早老化了。Until that point, we boys had no idea that our skin was ageing prematurely.

正如任何程序员所知道的那样,过早地优化可能是一个错误。Yet as any programmer knows, it would be a mistake to optimise prematurely.