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足三里穴,位于外膝眼下4横指、胫骨边缘。Foot 3 miles, located outside the knees at 4, tibia edge.

注意肥厚、结实的胫骨成角部分未受损坏。Note that thick, strong angles of tibia are not violated.

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结论卵巢切除后,胫骨骨折愈合缓慢。Conclusion Tibia fracture healing delays after ovariectomy.

联邦安全规定并没有规定在驾驶舱里面使用笔记本电脑。Federal safety rules don't prohibit laptops in tibia items cockpits.

矫正切骨术-肱骨,尺骨,桡骨,股骨,胫骨或腓骨。Corrective osteotomy of humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia or fibula.

目的探讨制备中国青山羊胫骨骨缺损模型的新方法。Objective To establish an experimental caprine model of tibia bone defect.

本文报告30只兔胫骨上干骺端截骨延长的实验结果。The tibia was lengthened with proximal metaphyseal osteotomy in 30 rabbits.

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胫骨上段骨折并发膝外翻是儿童骨折的特有现象。Genu valgum after proximal tibia fracture is specific complication in childhood.

校方表示,他已成功接骨并且为右腿胫骨植入钢钉。School officials say he had his bone reset and a rod inserted into his right tibia.

组织工程骨具有良好的修复山羊大段骨缺损的能力。Tissue engineered bone had good ability to repair large segment tibia defect of Caprine.

方法107例胫骨开放性骨折骨外固定加压治疗。Methods 107 cases of open tibia fracture were treated with compressive external fixation.

取其双侧胫骨,第二跖骨,剔除周围的软组织。Bilateral tibia and the second metatarsus were moved out and rejected all connective tissue.

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结论滑动植骨是治疗创伤后胫骨干骨不连的有效方法。Conclusion Sliding graft was a safe and effective method in treating traumatic tibia nonunion.

后来,通过在这片区域拉网式的巡查,一块胫骨以及破碎的颅骨和盆骨也相继出土了。Then a sweep of the area produced a tibia. Eventually came the skull and pelvis, both crushed.

方法5周龄新西兰幼兔30只,钻孔法制成生长板创伤模型。Methods The growth plate of proximal tibia was drilled with bony scow in 30 rabbits 5 week old.

目的探讨胫腓骨开放性骨折早期处理方法及疗效。Objective To study the earlier management and its effects on open fracture of tibia and fibula.

无论是在三角式还是任何这些站立的运动中,你可以轻轻地将上部的胫骨向前移。Whether in Trikonasana or any of these standing moments, move the upper tibia forward slightly.

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最后,对胫骨远端剩余的前外侧骨块进行内旋,复位。Last, the anterolateral segment is internally rotated and reduced to the remaining distal tibia.

目的探讨交锁髓内钉在胫骨下段骨折中的应用。Objective To explore the clinical application of interlocking nail in treatment of tibia fractures.

古蒂现在正受到胫骨伤势的困扰,他希望他自己能尽快康复,并且在星期天的比赛中帮助球队战胜纽曼西亚。Guti suffers from a niggle on a tibia and hopes to be fit on Sunday to help the team defeat Numancia.