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尸体开始肿胀了。The carcass started to bloat.

软件膨胀更容易得到避免。Software bloat is easier to avoid.

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这很容易导致代码膨胀。This could easily lead to code bloat.

第四,削弱行政膨胀。Fourth, puncture administrative bloat.

小腿肌肉部分肿起怎么治疗?How is bloat of crus muscle part treated?

这可能导致各种健康问题,包括肥胖和臌胀。This can lead to a variety of health problems, including obesity and bloat.

大板牙旁边那个牙龈肿起来了,好疼啊,我应该怎么办?That gum bloat came on the side of big front tooth, good ache, how should I do?

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诊断造成内存膨胀的应用程序中的数据建模问题。Diagnose data modeling problems in the application that contribute to memory bloat.

对于应用程序,这导致代码过度膨胀以及数据模型过度复杂。This results in both code bloat and an overly complex data model for your application.

水果和其他消化中食物混合在一起会产生气体,因此使你胀气!The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat !

有一件很出名的事,一名韩国女性给自己的面部注射了食用油,导致脸肿了起来。In one famous episode, a South Koreanwoman injected cooking oil into her face, causing it to bloat.

接着,守卫将一根管子从受刑者鼻腔内插入,并开始往他肚子里灌水。Next, the guards would snake a tube down the victim’s nasal passage and bloat his belly with water.

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我使用的组合钢笔工具,简单的形状,以及折叠和膨胀过滤器,创建矿。I used a combination of the pen tool, simple shapes, and the pucker and bloat filter to create mine.

我们花在健康保费上的数十亿美元皆被臃肿的筦理所耗费,没有用到医疗保健上。We spend billions more in health premiums that pay for administrative bloat rather than medical care.

因为大多数烧烤酱品牌都富含糖和钠,使用后会引起一些肿胀。Most commercial brands of barbecue sauce are loaded with sugar and sodium, causing some big-time bloat.

王七便念念有词,往墙壁冲去,猛然扑倒,额上肿起一个大疙瘩。King 7 mumble, rush toward wall, attack abruptly, the bloat on the forehead a big a knot in one's heart.

如果没有构建映像的脚本,就会发生映像膨胀,导致占用的空间增加和系统速度下降。Without scripts to build images, image bloat occurs and that eats up more space and slows the system down.

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同时这也导致了代码庞大,因为将函数参数保存在堆栈中需要额外的指令。It also results in code bloat due to the extra instructions required to save function parameters to the stack.

射线能量还会加热高层大气,使其向外扩张数十到数百公里。The x-ray energy also heated the upper atmosphere and caused it to bloat out by tens or hundreds of kilometers.

当气体,食物或者胃的分泌物充满胃的时候,胃就会有可视性的膨胀或者扩大,这就会发生胃涨气。Bloat occurs when gas or food or gastric secretions fill the stomach and the stomach visibly enlarges or distends.